Halloween Fiction Contest rules1 min read

Entry form

The nights are getting longer, bringing extra time for scares during Halloween. Continuing the tradition, Larson Newspapers will host its third annual Halloween Fiction contest.

Forms must be legibly written to be accepted. The rules for the contest are as follows:

  • Stories must be Halloween related or scary/spooky in nature.
  • Stories cannot exceed 750 words.
  • Content must be suitable for print — no swearing or overly graphic content.
  • Names cannot appear on stories.Entry Form
  • Stories must have a title, which shall match that on the entry form.
  • The deadline is Friday, Oct. 21, by 5 p.m.

Mail or drop off hard copies of stories and entry forms to the Sedona Red Rock News office at 298 Van Deren, Sedona AZ, 86336. Only one copy per entry is needed, authors may submit multiple stories but will need separate entry forms for each story.  Include “Halloween Contest” in the mailing address. To download the form, right click on the image to enlarge it and save or print the image file.

The winning author will receive a $50 gift certificate to the Mary D. Fisher Theatre as well as publication in our Halloween edition. Honorable mentions will be posted online. The winning author will be asked to provide a mugshot.

Andrew Pardiac

A 2008 graduate of Michigan State University, Andrew Pardiac was a Larson Newspapers' copy editor and reporter from October 2013 to October 2017. After moving to Michigan, then California, Pardiac was managing editor of Sonoma West Publishers' four newspapers in Napa and Sonoma valleys until November 2019.

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