Splash stays harvest fresh2 min read

Pumpkins are ripening and will be ready for the Pumpkin Splash at the Sedona Community Pool. Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

Sedona Parks and Recreation’s popular Pumpkin Splash has been one of the town’s signature fall events for the past eight years. But like almost anything, change is often needed.

“We’re just trying to keep the event fresh,” Recreation Coordinator Ali Baxter said. “This year is going to be more of a harvest theme, which will include all-new decorations and games that we’re excited about. We felt like it was time for a change.”

Participants are encouraged to bring their bathing suit and join their friends for this year’s event set for Saturday, Oct. 22, at the Sedona Community Pool. The event will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. and will feature hundreds of pumpkins floating in the pool.

Entry is $5 per person. All those who paid the entry fee will go home with a pumpkin. There will be a limited number of tickets at the gate, which is why it’s recommended purchasing them ahead of time.

The event is limited to the first 300 people through the gate. All non-swimmers must wear a life jacket and be accompanied by an adult in the water.

“This is a fun and affordable family event that really is for the entire community,” Baxter said.

This year’s event will include a scarecrow pie throw, pumpkin bowling, bobbing for apples, pumpkin ring toss, pumpkin bounce house, pumpkin decorating as well as prizes and goodie bags.


New this year will be a Trunk-Or-Treat provided by SummitLIFE from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the parking lot and does not require the $5 entry fee. Cars will be parked with their decorated car trunks open, allowing participants to grab Halloween candy.

Tickets went on sale Oct. 3 through Parks and Recreation. For more information or to buy tickets, call (928) 282-7098.

Larson Newspapers

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