My friends, have these last months been full of intensity, overwhelming waves of emotion, and such? We have three fate-changing eclipses to thank. For some it was a pinnacle of love and joy like no other time, or a big weight lifted.
If otherwise, frankly, put your arms around yourself, vigorously rub and pat your heart to soothe your soul, then repeat after me, “I love myself, forgive myself and others, and surrender to God,’ having faith that by the end of a week, you will likely see your double rainbow.
Some deal with the effects of literal hurricane force winds, and loss, others face medical realities, or are at the end of their emotional rope with other deep, dark rumblings. Through the tunnel there is always the light, and it shows up sooner when we remember it is there. Ask how is ‘this’ here to help my soul remember the truth and return to faith that all is always okay, as everything has a reason.
We are each effected differently, based on our own astrological codes, and how they are affected by the moment-by-moment, ever-changing zodiacal places that the planets move within…
…effected, as well, by what aspects each planet makes to the others, which is never the same. How our days show up, can be likened to geometry. And remember God gave us free will, so you do have sway with destiny, based on your dark or light perceptions that co-create.
The moment you were born here, you inhaled that precise moment of heavenly energetic influences. The ‘as above, so below’ evidences cannot be denied.
Isaiah 10:26 “Lift your eyes on high and behold who has created these. He who brings forth the starry hosts by numbers one by one and calls them forth by
(Me: Each planet has character traits.)
Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize Winner, President, California Institute of Technology, “If man is not affected in some way by the planets, Sun and Moon, he is the only thing on earth that isn’t.”
Ecclesiastes 3.1 “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Sun.”
(Me: Purpose. Divine timing… so reason/purpose for all things that show up when they occur.)
Psalms 10:3 “The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech. Night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.”
(Me: The planets and zodiacal star system are a language for interpreting heavenly knowledge; the glorious wisdom of God.)
The geometrical formations of your own planets and zodiac signs they were in, at your exact moment of creation/birth, express that heavenly moment full of information, through You; your unique characteristics.
You will also be influenced in your own life, by the geometrical positions of the planets and zodiac signs where they are located, at any given moment of any given day, as the planets are always in motion.
That is our human, physical plane self, however; the more you expand your awareness to realizing we are really not of this plane, you can ease into acting as the observer of these phenomenon, and reach, again and again, into your higher dimensional self to come home to, ‘it’s all love, and all is always well,’ as the phenomenon was created with purpose to evolve.
Geometrical sextiles are opportune times for us. Trines give us ‘easy like Sunday morning’ times.
We are having a Full Moon this Saturday night, October 15, in Aries (self and new starts). That means while the Sun (spotlight) is in the opposite sign, Libra (love relationships, or open enemies), the Moon (instinctual emotions) will be exactly opposite the Sun, at the moment we call it a Full Moon.
Every time we have a Full Moon, Sun and Moon make a geometrical opposition, (bringing full emotion into the spotlight, whether wonderful or like playing tug of war).
At this Full Moon the Moon (emotions) will be making another opposition; to Mercury (perceptions, belief, expression), as well as square (challenge) Mars (aggression, action), and she and Mercury both square Pluto (intense journey into subconscious wounds to heal, or big money ventures), while Sun also opposes Uranus (surprises/ enlightenment/truth/evolution).
That’s a spooky menu at this Full Moon and it’s not even Halloween yet, but Boo! In advance! Show up as your real self, having cleaned out the cobwebs and ghosts that haunted you, and you’ll find very rich payoffs!
Would you like to watch previous TV shows produced about my spiritual work, to know me on a deeper level, and see an actual Reading? Go to and click the page, “Rachel on TV.”
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Have a positive and empowering Reading with Rachel by telephone, Skype OR meet with Rachel in her serene Sedona Reading location. Pop in, or skype in, to a new basic Astrology class about to begin on Fridays 4:00–5:30 for $20 cash. Each accurate, insight-packed Reading renders peace of mind and joy via loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate destiny system, all included in every Reading, evoking clarity and emotional relief. Book Rachel Star of Sedona for events too., call 928-282-3444, cell/text 850-566-6698, email and LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona; Friend her at Rachel Spirit.