Do an Internet search under “creepy clowns” and you may be surprised with what you find.
There is everything from numerous articles of reported sightings and incidents involving creepy clowns from across the country. There are also articles about how Target has pulled its creepy clown Halloween masks from its shelves. And there’s a story about the Clown Lives Matter march in Tucson being canceled last weekend after the organizer received numerous deaths threats over the event.
The craze — which no one seems to know how or why it started — has even made its way to the Village of Oak Creek.
The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that two reports were recently taken involving individuals dressed as menacing clowns.
One of those was taken on Oct. 10, which was listed under “suspicious.” It stated, “Reporting party advises that there is a clown wearing a black and white clown costume with a creepy mask around the area of Wendy’s and the roundabout jumping out in traffic and scaring people.”
That call came from Hanah, a VOC resident who asked that her last name not be used. She said that around 8 p.m. she and her husband were at the roundabout on Cortez Drive and State Route 179.
“There were three individuals dressed as clowns,” she said. “One had their face painted in white with black triangles around his eyes, extremely well made up. The clown and two others were standing at the side of the street by the crosswalk. The clown with the white face stared right at me and then started toward our car. I stepped on the gas, as I was so frightened and the clown started after our car.”
She said it was shortly after that she called 911 and was told a deputy would look into the matter.
“Besides feeling very heavy in my chest, I could hardly breathe as all I could see was this clown coming after us,” Hanah said. “I knew about the clown craze and decided the authorities needed to be aware before someone gets hurt.”
She said the next day she contacted YCSO and was told that there was a second incident.
“The reason I am reporting this incident is that our community needs to be aware,” she said. “People dressing up as clowns and scaring people is not fun or funny.”