It’s estimated that nearly 3,000 people come out each year for Safe and Fun Trick-or-Treat, the Sedona Main Street Program’s annual Halloween event.
With warmer-than-normal temperatures forecasted for that day, even most ghosts and goblins may turn out.
“Things are coming along incredibly well,” SMSP Executive Director Wendy Jones said. “We’ve had a great response from local businesses as well as both Rotary clubs who helped put us over the top to ensure we have enough candy for the kids.
“I feel this event has been so popular for years because it’s a safe venue for kids to dress up and go trick-or-treating,” Jones said.
Everything begins at 5 p.m. and runs until 8 p.m. in Uptown on Monday, Oct. 31.
The event, now in its 30th year, will feature many elements than have been popular, including zombies dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” Prizes will be awarded to the best-decorated business in Uptown as well best-dressed employees.
Merchants will be passing out candy, while prizes will be awarded to best costumes for not just children but adults as well. And this year Jones added a contest for your four-legged friends.
“In Prescott I remember one year them having a best-dressed dog contest,” she said. “Sedona is a very dog-friendly place so I felt it would be something fun and new.”
Jones said the list of donated prizes for the contests is impressive and includes several from local restaurants as well as tour companies.
“I really want to thank everyone for their support,” she said. “The response was overwhelming.”
This is Jones’s first year at SMSP’s helm and thus her first Halloween event. But she said so far, so good.
“It’s definitely been a learning experience primarily because I added a few new elements to this year’s event,” she said. “I’m really looking forward to it.”
For more information on the event, see this week’s copy of The Scene, in the Friday, Oct. 28, edition of the Sedona Red Rock News.