Red Rock takes title on senior night2 min read

Sedona red Rock High School’s girls basketball team poses with a banner in celebration of its undefeated 2A Central Section championship, going 10-0. The Scorpions beat visiting Glendale Preparatory Academy 53-21. Photo courtesy of Cruz Chavez

The night of Feb. 3, was a milestone for the Sedona Red Rock High School girls basketball team’s 2016-17 season.

It hosted senior night, honoring a duo of senior forwards, Sophia Perry and Hannah Ringel, but also officially captured the 2A Central Section’s automatic bid to the 2017 Arizona Interscholastic Association Championships and a first-round bye.

The Scorpions [27-1, 10-0 2A Central] beat visiting Glendale Preparatory Academy 53-21 in what was their sixth game in seven days.

“It was very exciting, very emotional, I didn’t think I was going to be emotional about it,” Perry said. “I don’t know why, but last home game is a crazy thing to think about. It’s just weird I’m never going to play here again.”

According to head coach Dave Moncibaez, the team played with good energy, but also a bit too aggressively. Perry and junior guard Chenoa Crans had three fouls each by halftime, and Crans eventually fouled out of the game.


“We started getting going and I got a little nervous ’cause we were kind of off at the beginning,” Perry said. “And we kind of were off throughout the game.”

Red Rock built a 21-12 halftime lead. Moncibaez said that the team was able to push through the foul trouble, and when junior sixth man Jo Toscano entered the fold, she made an impact.

“She [Toscano] started getting going because Chenoa fouled out, which was great,” Moncibaez said. “’Cause that’s what we need her to do, is fill that role when things don’t go necessarily our way.”

Against the visiting Griffins’ man defense, the Scorpions were guilty of making careless turnovers.

Perry finished the game with 14 points while Ringel netted 10, including one three-pointer.

After the game Perry reflected on what she thought she will miss most.

“Definitely my team, I mean I think basketball is the sport I get the closest to the girls, just ‘cause you’re with them so much,” Perry said.

On Saturday, Feb. 4, Red Rock suffered its first loss of the season to the hands of the Page High School Sand Devils, 51-31. Before the game, the Scorpions were ranked No. 3 in Division 2A, but after the loss were bumped to No. 6, as of Monday, Feb. 6. Page is ranked No. 2 in Division 3A.

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