On earth as it is in heaven. There’s always Something going on under the Sun!
The moment the Sun reaches the birth of new beginnings, entering the constellation Aries, is the moment of our Spring.
That new creation moment creates fire blazing forth like a rocket blasting off; like the spurt forward when the water first shoots out from your garden hose, before settling into its consistant flow, then less, less, and last drippings.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and the vernal equinox is actually when the engine ‘on’ switch gets activated. The engine of beingness, sunny joy of being, creation, birthing a new fire in you. It only occurs from the moment the sun enters Aries. That moment is religious, historical, an ancient, esoteric sacred moment of profound meaning and possibility. Aries lasts about 30 days.
Currently still in Pisces, (the last sign of the zodiac circle), until 8:58 am pacific time, Monday the 20th, the sun is still at the last degrees, of the last sign, of the zodiac constellations, like the fire’s last sparks and drippings of the year.
After 8:58 am Monday, open to the burst of God’s fieriest, illuminating light, as in the light of God. The sun/son. It is the astrological New Year!
It is the best time for alchemy. The moment of all creation. What a burst that was, and is, at this time every year, since time.
Let’s plan our birth via this alchemy, available. What sort of multi-dimensional creation shall we be, do, draw to us and more. Did you know, or test the universal law that where we direct our energetically, firey attention, the most often, is what is created to eventually manifest in some form?
We can join the fiery, anger pool, by unconscious choice, yet we can also effect alchemy without it, only passion required.
Careful what you place into the fire of breath and thought. ‘In the beginning was the Word.’ And ‘It is done unto you as you believe.” Our actions take even more fire, hence more creative energy, right?
How about a lot of joy? If you want more, imagine it; see it in your mind’s eye with God’s gift of visualization. Create it by the choices you make.
Let’s design a lot of equality, beginning at the equinox. Fairness for all, equal rights. Unalienable rights. Or has it become alien to our race?
We can only recognize and give fair equality when we know what it is. Had we been treated fairly in all ways? We have ancient wounds in our eternal souls from times past, before the Age of Enlightenment began springing forth the elixir of wisdom from the sacred eternal spiritual energy that Created us all.
Those old memories and wounds come from a time when we were all less enlightened about how to treat each other. We know better now, but the consistent effects of the past seem to lead us around like a water hose that is more powerful than we are.
Do we laugh at the same injustices comedians try to bring to our attention, then unconsciously make jokes ourselves, in jest, not knowing the subconscious holds on to everything we focus on, and keeps it going for us, even subtly, creating.
Collectively among us, it creates collective consciousness and what we see is what we ‘get/created.’ That’s how important our sole thoughts and actions are, and they tributary outward like the tree of life. A pebble makes many waves. So do sound waves (angry or inspiring music), thought waves (hate – including self hate – or love, blame or self-examination), heart waves (returning to the calm inner peace within or anxiety.
Ride the Pisces’ watery waves of the holy spirit that you’re made of, with faith, act as spirit would, and watch miracles and bliss become mainstream. Or ride the other wave, as the other Pisces fish, and close yourself up in fear and confusion.
Let’s slow down at the last drippings of the Pisces tail end of this astrological year about to end, and have the conversation about alchemy; creating gold like the sun/son, which is God’s gift during Aries time, coming upon us.
In our own lives, become conscious, slow down and give thought and longevity to new habits that can make our lives golden in our soul, from the drippings of what we would want changed.
Ask for help, have a conversation with someone you trust, seek healing, and change old paradigms and dinosaur-age traditions of actions (some taken without clear, deep thinking)
Aries in Arabic means lamb, a creature famous for sweet innocence and fragrant goodness. Aries is also represented as the Ram. Both embodying am; I Am.
Rather than pick fights wherever they go, lambs prefer daisy
filled fields. Me too. We achieve more with honey than bitterness and fighting, yet we can win the achievement of fairness, with actions of a lamb. The ram makes the action begin.
There are many sides to everything, and we can learn by considering more than our own opinion, but there is only one light of love. Let’s choose to ignite it now, brighter than we have in the last year, live like a sweet new baby lamb, listen to our God-given intuition, and have faith there is a high, blessed plan that we can co-Create.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Have a positive and empowering Reading with Rachel by telephone, skype OR in-person at her serene Sedona Reading location. Pop in to on-going Astrology classes Fridays 4:00 – 5:30 for $20 cash. Each accurate, insight-packed Reading renders peace of mind via loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate destiny system, all evoking clarity and emotional relief. Book Rachel Star of Sedona for events too. www.rachelstarofsedona.com, call or text 707-335-6220, email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com and LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona and friend her at Rachel Spirit with a message referencing my blog so I will accept.