What to do with Hard Knocks2 min read

What’s been knocking at your door? Has something pushed you through the door to the other side?  We just came through two retrogrades that effected us personally for months. The hidden truths were pushed to the surface to bring forth, and on Wednesday, May 3, the light of life returns.

There is shadow brought about by light too; how and where it is shining. Keep your eye on the light of God as we weave our course every day. When we are guided down the steps into an unknown address of seeming fear or darkness, God is alive there too. Compassionate, loving, knowing, Companion with your lofty wisdom.

With the sun shining its spotlight in Taurus, it is the time of year to take things slowly. Hurrying, in fact, may upset the Taurus zen inside, where we can distinguish right action for ourselves, by taking time to listen and feel what fits you.

Aah, Taurus, asking us to discern what is the quality in life, and what has simply been Taurus money focus. Let’s dissect. Economy; ecology. When we commune with, and value nature more in balance with the fun and power objects we value, the economy becomes harmonious. We must start with values first.

Have you ever earned or received a sum of money you would have never imagined. Did it bring Well being? What is wealth but well being. Of spirit, of inner balance, health, grace by God.

I’ve discovered, and perhaps you too, that life happens and it’s the spirit we nuture that takes us through the hard knocks. Money doesn’t buy happiness or real power; it’s the spirit of inner peace and gratitude you’ve nurtured that makes you feel worthy and one with God’s insight.


You can have both; ecologically speaking, ha!

We’re not really judged by Divine loving intelligence, but we have an inner compass that points to zen and opposite, and forgiveness of self and others makes for a new moment. At any moment.

What’s knocking hard and loud for you to let in?

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

Have a positive and empowering Reading with Rachel by telephone, skype OR in-person at her serene Sedona (non-retail) Reading location. Each accurate, insight-packed Reading renders peace of mind via loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate destiny system, all evoking clarity and emotional relief. Book Rachel Star of Sedona for events too. www.rachelstarofsedona.com, call or text 707-335-6220, email and LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona and friend her at Rachel Spirit with a message referencing my blog so I will accept.


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