Unexpected Spiritual Growth3 min read

My previous teen and adult years have been filled with learning, via a myriad of ways, to engage in my spiritual practice for inner peace and wisdom, remembering more and more often, that I am made of holy, miraculous God, (whatever name feels comfortable for you). I wouldn’t have it any other way. There is nothing grander than communing with our God-given and God-enfused souls. 

Swimming through so many changing environments of all venue, one begins noticing how unhealed deep inner reaches show up in an outer environment, and allows me to think about how I can be an always become a more loving, self-examining, understanding me, here on the physical notion of earthlinesss.   

I joyfully teach as I go along, privately and to crowds. Always learning more, practicing and sharing the helpful themes, years keep blossoming with fragrance, and what comes to me to say to you, right now is, ‘Be gentle to ourselves, patient and kind.’

Do you desire to go deeper in to your glory within? Easy peezy. On the next inbreath think of ‘one’ or ‘1’. See if it doesn’t change your focus for just a bit, into your becoming present on the inner, having awareness into that moment; not busy in the past or obsessing the future… oh, look, here I am; I notice I’m sitting on a chair, talking to whomever, chewing this tasty food, that I hardly was noticing, not allowing my self the pleasure of savoring. 

It’s almost like time lapse photography. There becomes this restful, private, inner time that always seems to fit in nicely within the outer reality occurring… Centers and grounds us.

We are made of stars/dust, organized by, and made of all matter of high frequency spirit energy, which is the divine source holy spirit, mother/father God. With this Great American Eclipse coming this summer, a one hundred year phenomena that many on US soil can see, let’s see deeper into you. 

Re-lax. Again and again as needed. There are environments that come and go, yet what is real is us being in the gifts of the present, from which we co-steer, with God and as God, therefore taking responsibility for our own joy, (our birthright), and count every miraculous  blessing, for they are always there.
Grow, unexpectedly, into positivity as you steer forward. We all want the same thing; no yelling necessary. It lowers the high frequency. Now let’s flower.

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Schedule a heart-restoring, positive and empowering Reading with Rachel by telephone or Skype. Or in-person, at her serene Sedona (non-retail) Reading location. Each accurate, insight-packed Reading renders insight rendering peace of mind via ancient, holy, loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate destiny system, all evoking clarity and emotional calm. Book Rachel Star of Sedona for events too. www.rachelstarofsedona.com, call or text 707-335-6220, or 850-566-6698, or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona and friend her at Rachel Spirit (with a message referencing my blog so I will accept.)


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