Whirlwind time. It’s just begun. You’ve all heard about the great American eclipse August 21. It will be a New Moon Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo, whose zodiac traits are all about love and heart. Solar Eclipses eclipse out the old, and new destiny and fate arrives. But wait, we just had a New Moon in Leo recently, didn’t we?
Are you confused? Two New Moons in Leo. Sure, one occurred at the beginning of Leo, when the sun entered that part of the heavenly zodiac, and the Eclipse New Moon in Leo is coming at the end of Leo, right before the sun bids farewell to the Leo time of year.
Before that second New Moon in Leo which is heralded the great American Eclipse, which many in the world are traveling to see here throughout our country, we will have another eclipse, a lunar eclipse in Aquarius, on August 7, whose zodiac traits represent ‘the people,’ speaking truth, the eccentric, perhaps shocking, enlightenment, aha’s, and realizing we are one.
The high side of Aquarius is to communicate with respect versus the low side of revolting. We all are responsible for our behavior, so remember that pointing and making others wrong is generally not how to change the world. I don’t know, do You respond to that behavior, or through peaceful talks, organizing, planning and executing solutions.
Government / politics have generally not been cooperative for the greater good, and are a mirror for the collective mindset of who wins. Its people / we, could begin to get more involved in standing up for the rights of humanity. P.S., the degree of the solar eclipse, at 28 degrees, 53 minutes, affects our current President’s chart in a major way, and let’s see how that pans out.
How will it effect your birth chart?
This momentous time we just entered is effected by how each individual / I, live and behave.
By or around the time of the great American Solar Eclipse at the end of Leo, movement from our hearts should be in gear. Don’t procrastinate your new life until the holidays. Things will be in place by then and you want to be in the right place at the right time.
Pack on the booster rockets, let ‘er rip, and fly into your new life! Bon voyage! I’m here if you want personal clarity.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Schedule a heart-restoring, positive and empowering Reading with Rachel by telephone or Skype. Each accurate, insight-packed Reading gives countless details rendering peace of mind via ancient, holy, loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate destiny system, all evoking clarity and emotional calm. It is highly suggested you tape your Reading as most people listen to every word throughout time. Book through www.rachelstarofsedona.com, call or text 707-335-6220, or 850-566-6698, or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Be a friend on facebook at Rachel Spirit. Love!