Happy, Smiley People2 min read

Have we really noticed how many people genuinely want to help us? Not just the friendly bartender, hotel clerks or “the working” world, where behavior is a reflection of employment?

In our God-given authentic soul, when we feel authentic calm and joy, we all feel compelled to bring happiness. Some of you are astrologically made to be nurturers, for instance if there is a decent amount, or placement of the zodiac sign, Cancer, or the sign Taurus.

Even getting a smile is so invigorating. Remember, your smile is a gift that can keep on giving.

Beneath your smiles, are you, in fact, feeling the joy that is yours for the taking, always there, like the blue sky above clouds.

I call this loving yourself. To have joy as ours, we have to believe in it. Not just at random times. Do you think life is one hardship, challenge or let-down after another? Do you look at occurrences like those, as gifts to learn, taking responsibity to ask ourselves, in what way did I create or contribute? What is my mindset, and what psychological purpose did it serve me? Perhaps, now a freedom from an old inner personal paradigm.

There are always opportunities to change our mindsets. We can let things like news rob us; steal our inner peace, forgetting we are the observers of life here, who have conversations with our ‘selves’ about physical experiences. We are not physical beings forever; only on this earthly plane for time. The joy is in our eternal, inner, spiritual world where we can direct our thoughts, to see everything the way nonjudgmental, unconditionally loving God sees us, and everything.


There are so many blessings to always count.  Think of all the ‘little’ things usually taken for granted, and the Loving family and friends who feel like family. Making new friends. People who want to help us through challenges.

It’s the people. Happy, smiley. And God is truly our besty!

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

Schedule a heart-restoring, positive and empowering Reading with Rachel by Telephone or Skype from the comfort of your own home. Each accurate, insight-packed Reading gives countless details rendering peace of mind via ancient, holy, loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate destiny system, all evoking clarity and emotional calm. Book through  www.rachelstarofsedona.com, on the Request a Reading page, call or text 707-335-6220, or 850-566-6698, or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Be a friend on facebook at Rachel Spirit. Love!


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