There’s good news and bad news. Which do you want first?
The good news is, the Sedona Dog Park, off Carruth Drive near the Posse Grounds Park, will soon receive much-needed improvements designed to make the experience better for people and their pets. The bad news is, the park will be closed during renovation.
Work will begin Monday, Sept. 11, with construction expected to last approximately 60 days. The park is scheduled to reopen to the public on Saturday, Nov. 11. Construction will also affect a small portion of the Sunrise Trail near the southern end of the park, and trail traffic will be rerouted to ensure hiker safety.
Parks and Recreation Manager Rachel Murdoch said the reason the park will be closed is twofold. First, the fence will be down because construction crews have to move in machinery to do the work. They don’t want a dog off leash under those circumstances. Second, for the safety of the people, they need to stay out especially when asphalt is being poured and heavy equipment is being driven around the area.
“Basically, it’s going to be a hard-hat construction zone, so the contractor would not allow people inside that zone,” Murdoch said. “The dog park will be closed to the public during construction for the safety of our dog park visitors while machinery is busily working on the improvements that will make the park better than ever.”
On Aug. 8 the Sedona City Council approved awarding a contract to Valwest Construction, out of Gilbert, in the amount of $228,548.50. Since the project was budgeted this year for $180,000, the remaining amount will come from the developmental impact fee fund.
The city put the project out to bid earlier in the year, but received just one bid of $334,000. In order to reduce potential costs, staff removed parking improvements along Carruth Drive, which would have only added two additional parking spaces.
Last year council approved $18,120 for a master plan design to be completed by Norris Design for the dog park. After four community outreach meetings and council input, a master plan was created that addresses all improvements that can be made over time.
Work set to be done include parking improvements with two ADA spaces, resurfacing using decomposed granite and artificial turf, concrete sidewalks, improvements to the watering station and drainage as well as six new trees.
The work approved is part of the first phase of improvements to the park. Additional phases will be made when funding is available in upcoming budgets.