Venus Goes Backwards; Affecting the Feminine, Love, Desires, Values, and Money6 min read

Venus is going backwards in time. She does this about once every year and a half to two years. She seemingly Stopped to go back/retrograde on Oct. 5 and is now doing the backstroke; going over issues in our lives regarding womanhood, love, values and money, then emerges in forward direction again, on Nov. 16!

Can you tell that Venus has already brought up women’s issues… with the Dr. Ford/Judge Kavanaugh hearing, and the women passionately speaking to Senators, regarding sexual violence to women? Before the retrograde, she was slowing down, bringing more intensity to her subjects, and now for the review ….

Sweet Venus is currently in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, ruling sex and power, secrets, crimes and investigation, and will go backwards from Scorpio into Libra, on Halloween; ruling relationships, open enemies, law, and striving for fairness and justice,

We are also reviewing values too. Do we value truth enough? Certainly a Judge on the Supreme Court should not angrily shout bitter partisan accusations, as Kavanaugh did, nor evade truth telling. What does ffff really mean, did alcohol ever cause him to forget what he said or did while drunk, and was his nickname Bart? These answers have been easily discoverable.

As he has written, do you agree:  Should a President of our US be immune from criminal investigation, indictment or prosecution? Guilty or innocent, we must prove guilt with full investigation. Key word, full. Not limited; not less than a week. Full.


Do we value women by mocking their claims of sexual assault? Do we diminish their long-lived traumas? Are we being taught that race, gender prejudice and name-calling are the new ‘normal?’

Thank goodness for Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. The documentary, RBG, is highly enlightening as to her impact on women’s issues.

Senator Flake stated, on television, that it is in elected officials’ best interests Not to reach across party lines, if they want to be re-elected. That should be concerning to all citizens who desire fair decisions in law.

Pluto is in Capricorn for the first time since we formed as a country, (entered Capricorn in Nov., 2008, and staying till 2023). The last time Pluto was moving through Capricorn spanned the years 1762-1778 when the American Revolution took place, then came the Declaration of Independence.

It is clearly time to be witnessing Pluto (Scorpio’s ruling planet)/exposing secrets and long-held abuses, to transform and heal the Capricorn government of its old, outdated Capricorn traditions, of power and authority, with new, cutting-edge, state-of-the-art traditions for the next 284 years, when he will enter Capricorn again.

Certainly the ‘ancient’ reason/tradition for the Electoral College is grossly outdated and not even close to fair. I remember being appalled decades ago, in junior high school, at the dinosaur mentality of Electoral College. Why does it still exist?  

Our country has a birth chart, based on its inception. The Moon sign is Aquarius, representing the emotions of its people/population. We speak out for needed revolution to have independence, truth and freedom for all. It is in ‘the people’s’ hands now.

If we continue with 2 parties which have no incentive to cooperate or compromise, what will continue will be filibustering (wasting time) and nothing important getting done. Do you think it’s time to listen to candidates who want to bring us together and change laws to reflect what is good for all? Are you willing for your children to live in the same dark ages as we have?

Expect much happening in your own lives, with women, girls, the feminine, the receptive, loving compassionate side of males, your desires, your loves, your relationships with people, your values, and your money.

Speaking of money, Donald Trump’s retrograde/past taxes are making the headlines. How has he handled money? Has he been telling truths? In fact most boastful claims are easily proven to be false. Perhaps he is doing other things in our interests. I am not a judge; simply an impartial observer.

I read the book, The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale, as a teenager. Trump and family attended his church in younger years. He holds his thoughts powerfully that all he does is win/successful. The power of thought is intense. Positive or negative. Even the Bible says ‘it is done unto you as you believe.’ I have seen this work miraculously in my own life. It is a universal law.

Can we hold our thoughts for what we desire, or continue to hold negative thoughts?

Due to Venus retrograde, we may be in touch with previous loves. Work out love issues. Be authentic. Speak and act from your heart. For goodness sakes, be honest. Take pride in your words and actions, for if we feel we don’t have to strive to be an impeccable person, why should we expect others to live by rules/laws?

Get involved; not by behaving with angry ‘Kavanaugh-type’ behavior, better by using our passion to listen and speak with each other respectfully. Others will more easily listen, if not having to put up a defense to the way in which we are being spoken to. It’s not war, guys. It’s asking us to look at our own behaviors and notice if we are part of a problem. Do we lie, are we acting like criminals in ways we condone, are we acting superior, entitled, belligerent?

Retrogrades let us redo, re-think, re-organize, relax, etc. God gives us rest times like these so that we take time out to look at where we’ve been, what we’ve done, and make adjustments when necessary. Not a time to engage something or someone brand new, if you want it to last long. The rule with retrogrades is mainly if any planet isn’t pulling us forward, Wait until it’s full steam ahead, after careful assessment.

In honor of Venus retrograde, my prices have been Greatly rolled back.  See my website for the good news! Prices fell for Fall, and also out of respect for Uranus newly being in Taurus for the next 7 years, meaning we can expect Great quality/Taurus at a great value/Taurus!

Be Bliss. Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

READING PRICES ARE GREATLY LOWERED in FALL,  and there is no extra charge for the 3 Astrology charts that go along with your Reading time. Schedule an enriching, positive, empowering, accurate Reading with Rachel Star of Sedona, by Telephone or Skype, from the comfort of your own home, or at my location. Each insight-packed Reading delivers personal details, insight about others, and dates, all rendering peace of mind via sacred, holy, loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate, destiny system, together guiding your free will choices within the scope of your path, to offer the most beneficial shaping of your destiny…evoking clarity and soothing emotional calm. Click to, then the ‘Request a Reading’ page, call or text 707-335-6220, 850-566-6698, or email LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Be a friend on Facebook at Rachel Spirit.

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