I Literally Fell to My Knees4 min read

It’s been 2 years, mostly off my feet, with a foot issue that turned out to be cancer which had spread. Thank God I’m currently free of that. Immunotherapy is new on the horizon 6 years already and I was blessed for that.

Back to the subject of being off my feet, after home physical therapists, then driving to a therapy facility and using a walker, I promoted to the gym to walk with a cane. Eventually, with the help of my devoted helpful companion, I was able to make a big life change.

Needing continued effort, I went to a different gym location, yet never expected a 180 degree turn-about of what I was working toward, I literally fell off the treadmill onto my knees. I was still weak from previous challenges and blamed myself.

The pain didn’t show up for about 10 days, which took me right to the local orthopedic clinic. I was informed I had had no cartilage in either knee for some time, they had been bone-on-bone already. I hadn’t had any pain in my legs, however, until the fall onto my knees.

The first surgeon whom consulted with me, said we could try cortisone shots for each, but didn’t expect it to remove pain for perhaps even 2 weeks, through 3 months relief was usual. That turned out to be an accurate prediction. The second opinion was by Mayo Clinic’s orthopedic surgeon, and agreed I needed knee replacement. Do you know anyone who has experienced it?


My insurance wouldn’t cover knee replacement surgery without the shots first, and couldn’t be scheduled until 3 full months after the shot.

I am hoping to see with God that I can and will return to being pain-free before any proposed surgery date for January by doing my home therapy exercises, physical therapy at the facility, and natural ways, etc. Thanks to holy spirit I have caring help, including around the house 24/7, and family close.

If sages and spiritual practices speak of growth to know our true selves, through setbacks, I can share my experiences.

In whatever you suffered or suffer, you may recognize these awarenesses and opportunities. Shock of loss. Uncovering the unexpected tributaries of what loss brings; including the extent of varying changed abilities.

Denial that must be realized and dealt with. Frustration, anger, and humility to need so much assistance…in many ways. Asking why. Questioning the ability of keeping all ends met, and juggling resources though exhausted physically and mentally.

Not wanting to exercise the painful legs, walking in anguish with a walker, the challenge of getting a wheelchair. Endless phone calls and arrangements; especially when places don’t follow through on the other end. Acceptance, surrender; and so much resting. Beginning new disciplines. In fact, last year, I did my taxes mostly laying down, hah! Striving to maintain grace, laughter and love to all others, though a challenge sometimes through pain. Using meditation videos and watching spiritual services by favorite enlightened souls who have walked the walk to keep me lifted.

My Reading prices have been Greatly rolled back, though you will not see them reflected on my website for the good news! Just contact me. For you, it can be revealing and helpful to know what is happening above, and as below, in your personal chart.  No one’s life is affected in the same way as another. Good news and better future outcomes lay ahead. For me, brand new knees like I’m a kid again. Badge of greater courage and inner strength; even more compassion. Gratefulness for what we have. www.rachelstarofsedona.com

Let’s Be Bliss. Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

READING PRICES ARE GREATLY LOWERED through December and include Gift Certificates. Only $55 Half Hour, $65 ¾ Hour or $80 for a Full Hour by phone only. There is no extra charge for the 3 Astrology chart updates that go along with your Reading time. Schedule an enriching, positive, empowering, accurate Reading with Rachel Star of Sedona, by Telephone, to enjoy from the comfort of your own home. Each insight-packed Reading delivers personal details, insight about others, and dates, all rendering peace of mind via sacred, holy, loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate, destiny system, together guiding your free will choices within the scope of your path, to offer the most beneficial shaping of your destiny…evoking clarity and soothing emotional calm. Click to www.rachelstarofsedona.com, then the ‘Request a Reading’ page, call or text, 850-566-6698t, or emailrachelstarofsedona@gmail.com LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Be a friend on Facebook at Rachel Spirit.

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