What does it mean when Mercury is retrograde?4 min read

Yes, Mercury’s Retrograde


Mercury is the winged messenger.  The planet in charge of all communication scenarios, such as thinking, speaking, writing, school, mail, texts, contracts, commerce, shipping, cars, bikes and the like, getting us from place to place, also phones, faxes, computers…I think you get the idea.



Mercury retrograded March 5th and ends March 28.


Nowadays, most people know about the famous Mercury retrograde, as it happens for 3 weeks, 3 times a year.  People ask me during a retrograde period, ‘is Mercury retrograde?,’ as they feel it, and I answer, yes it is ! LOL. What you may not realize is that its effects last longer than 3 weeks each time; more like 38 days longer than that, each time.


Imagine you get into a pool and swim to the other end. Once at the other end, you swim back to where you began. That swim back is the retrograde; retro…going back over the past; where you were and what you did. During the retro time, we discover something very important to our moving forward. Then you swim to the other end of the pool once again, with that found gem.


Except for the retro time (for Mercury, 3 weeks), the first swim is called the shadow, and the final swim after the retro is also called shadow. It is all part of the same experience.


Once the last shadow is complete, brand new energies come in to play.


So add 3 weeks of a retro to the other approximate 38 days which include the 2 shadow periods, and we come to almost 60 days; 2 months.


As Mercury retrogrades 3 times a year, that adds up to half of each year!  We feel it strongly during the retro’s 3 weeks.

It’s a seeming time when Earth is speeding ahead of Mercury, so Merc is not giving us its hand pulling us forward as usual.


Not the best time to buy a new phone, car or send important communications. It’s often when things break down, lol…Though it may be mandatory.

I’ve had to buy new phones, but sure enough once ready to use, did not work so I had to drive back and stand in a very long line at the store the next day, to exchange. I’ve needed repair on a car and it was repaired during the retro but the mechanic left a tool under the hood and mistakenly loosened the rubber around the door frame. Had to return, of course. Had to pin down a dwelling to live in during a retro, due to timing of moving out from where I was; found 3 places I would settle for and requested a price lowering on one, a floor fix on another and a paint situation on the 3rd. Responses were waited on for quite some time, then all 3 came near the end of the retro, and were all, ‘no.’ Mercury retro ended a few days later and that day the perfect dwelling was in the classifieds, I saw it and got it. Had everything I wanted, with more perks.  After having seen so many dwellings during the retro I knew what I DID want.


So I, and many astrologers, will say ‘go ahead;’ after the retro stops, not needing to wait until the second shadow period is over.  Just know it will be entirely new and different energies once it is.


Check your texts and emails; they may not have been sent correctly. Tag your luggage well, read agreements 10 times, or have a lawyer check contracts and take responsibility if things were forgotten or looked over. Buy that entertainment equipment before or after a retro if you can, and back up your computer before it begins, in the future.


Everything is with divine purpose. Time to vacation, revisit and reconnect with people from the past, edit your manuscript, clean house, nap more, take a yoga breathing class. All is divine timing so let delays be expected. Start earlier, and let things roll off your back. As in ‘retro,’ re things; relax, revisit, regenerate, rethink, renew, recommit, rehabilitate, redo. The things or insights you need will be uncovered before retro is over.

Enjoy your dip in the beautiful pool made just for You!


Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


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Rachel Star of Sedona

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