Meditate in the park on Mondays2 min read

The Mental Health Coalition Verde Valley is part­nering with Spectrum Healthcare, Sedona International City of Peace and Aumbase Sedona to launch the second season of Meditation Monday in the Park, beginning Monday, April 15, and continuing every Monday until Sept. 30.

The community meditation will be from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Pavilion at Posse Grounds Park and will be led by a member of the partner organizations.

The kick-off on April 15 will be led by Margaret Joy Weaver, chairwoman of the International City of Peace. The gathering is free. Bring a blanket or chair and enjoy the meditation hour.

According to Mental Health America — founded in 1909 and the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans: “Meditation, which comes in many variations, has long been acknowl­edged as a tool to master the mind and cope with stress. Science is increasingly validating those claims, espe­cially for depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] and ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder].”

Michael McGee, MD, in an online article in the journal Psychiatry, stated that, “Many have suggested that meditation may enhance mental health. Literally millions of people over the past 2,000 years have come to this conclusion on the basis of their personal experiences. In recent decades, many authors have explored the use of meditation in psychotherapy. The consensus is that meditation may promote the dimin­ishment of psychiatric illness, character change and the resolution of neurosis when used adjunctively with psychodynamically oriented and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy.”


According to Barbara Litrell, president of the Mental Health Coalition Verde Valley, “We see the statistics on the rising number of people, including children and teens, suffering anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional stress. The goal of Meditation Monday in the Park is to provide a gorgeous setting and a safe space for our community members to learn and practice meditation as a tool for coping with the many stress inducers that damage our physical and mental well being.”

The Mental Health Coalition Verde Valley is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to build support for individuals and families challenged by mental health issues through education, outreach, advo­cacy, community conversations and support services.

Contact Litrell at 649-0135 or for more information.

Larson Newspapers

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