Posse Grounds Park recycling bins to move2 min read

A popular spot to drop off recyclables is moving — but not very far. The city of Sedona announced last week that the bins at Posse Grounds Park will be moving from the current loca­tion near the lower softball field to the parking lot near the tennis courts between the Parks and Recreation office and West Sedona School. This will begin Wednesday, May 29.

Signs about the relocation will be at the bins until they are moved on May 29, and directional signs will also be posted showing the way to the new location once the containers are moved.

Recreation Coordinator Ali Baxter said Posse Grounds Park is becoming increasingly busy and more popular with the new amenities like the Mountain Bike Skills Park, but also with Parks and Recreation-hosted events, as well as events produced at Posse Grounds Park by outside organiza­tions and event promoters.

 “Parking is essential in event planning, and every space counts,” she said. “As it stands, we have five recycle bins in the main parking lot at Posse Grounds Park, three of these bins are sitting in valuable parking spaces. Each time an event takes place, we are having the bins moved into what will be their new location to free up the parking spaces in the main parking lot.”

Baxter recently met with Sedona Recycles staff and together they decided it would be beneficial to permanently relocate the bins to eliminate need for continuous relocation during special events. This will provide consistency to those who use the bins.


“We wanted to keep the bins in Posse Grounds Park,” she said. “It’s a centralized drop-off location. This location is still easily accessible, but will not hinder our main parking areas for regular use of the park.”

Signs were placed on Thursday, May 9, giving notice to users of the impending relo­cation. On May 29, there will be a directional sign at the existing location, as well as one on the corner of Carruth and Posse Ground Road, directing traffic and users to the new location. The hope is this will eliminate any confusion or frustration during the transi­tion. Residents may wish to avoid drop-offs around 8 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., school-day start and ending times

For more information, call Parks and Recreation Department at 282-7098.

Ron Eland can be reached at 282-7795, ext. 122 or by email at reland@larsonnewspapers.com

Ron Eland

Ron Eland has been the assistant managing editor of the Sedona Red Rock News for the past seven years. He started his professional journalism career at the age of 16 and over the past 35 years has worked for newspapers in Nevada, Hawaii, California and Arizona. In his free time he enjoys the outdoors, sports, photography and time with his family and friends.

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