West Sedona School sixth-graders study STEM in San Diego2 min read

​The West Sedona School sixth grade class continued the tradi­tion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math field trip to San Diego May 8 through 10.

For the last three years, West Sedona School sixth-graders have traveled to San Diego for a STEM field trip or Los Angeles for a Laws of Motion adventure as their final journey for the school year.

Class members, along with faculty and family members, raise funds through car washes, popcorn and snow-cone sales, the annual Mexican Fiesta dinner and the sale of raffle tickets for prizes. The funds ensure all class members are given the oppor­tunity to attend, no matter their financial means.

This year, the class spent time learning alongside one another about marine life in the Pacific Ocean as they traveled on a floating biology lab in San Diego.

Class members tossed nets overboard and pulled back a catch full of sea life including fish, stingray, crabs, starfish and lobster. Students learned through shared experiences that are hard to come by in the Arizona desert, such as the feeling of cleaning fish gently cleaning fingers or seeing a group of seals sunbathing on the beach.


Students were able to experi­ence an adventure that will not soon be forgotten. Some students experienced the feeling of sand in their toes for the first time, feeling the wind through their hair as they traveled across the open water and examining marine life in person that may have just been words and pictures in a book before this adventure.

This adventure was made possible through hard work, volunteer hours, fundraising and the generous grant donation from the Sedona Village Rotary Club’s Charitable Fund of $1,000 to help offset expenses.

The tradition will continue into next year. Contact the District Office at 204-6800, or visit sedonak12.org for more informa­tion about West Sedona School, the Sedona Oak Creek Unified School District, opportunities for charitable giving or volunteering to make a lasting impact on the lives of local students.

Larson Newspapers

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