Yang discusses two historical novels about the Flying Tigers2 min read

Iris Yang, a Sedona author, will speak Saturday, June 15, at 11 a.m. at Cottonwood Public Library about her two historical novels on the Flying Tigers, an American volunteer group, and their contributions to China in World War II.

Her novels “Wings of a Flying Tiger” and “Will of a Tiger” have received excel¬lent reviews nationwide. Yang has been interviewed on National Public Radio on WUNC’s “The State of Things” and has spoken to dozens of veterans groups, civic organizations and libraries.

Yang was born and raised in China where Americans were called American Devils. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine writing books about American heroes. In fact, writing was a dangerous career when books were being burned and her grandmother, the first Chinese woman to receive a master’s degree in the United Kingdom, was wrongfully accused of being a counter-revolutionary rightist and fired from her university job. Yang had to choose a safer path: To study science.

After graduating from Wuhan University in Hubei, she was accepted by the prestigious China-United States Biochemistry Examination and Application program. At age 23, with poor English, little knowledge of the country and a borrowed $500, she came to the United States as a graduate student at the University of Rochester, N.Y. She received a Ph.D. in molecular biology and moved to North Carolina to manage a laboratory at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

Although she published a number of scientific papers, Yang had a passion for creative writing, just like her grandmother, mother and aunt. Her debut novel, “Wings of a Flying Tiger,” was published in June 2018 and its sequel, “Will of a Tiger,” was released in January 2019. She holds a private pilot’s license and her admiration for fighter pilots was conveyed in her books.


“Both books are works of fiction,” Yang said. “But to me, they are also personal. As a Chinese, I’m thankful for the Flying Tigers’ bravery and sacrifice; without their help, the course of Chinese history might have been changed, my family might not have survived, and I might not have existed. As a U.S. citizen, I’m honored to write a book about the American heroes. It’s a privilege. A duty.”

Her talk was highly recommended by Jenny Levine, Humanities & Adult Programming Coordinator at the Durham County, N.C., Public Library, “Iris Yang brings her heart, soul and some critical historical knowledge to her very well-planned presentation. Attendees were charmed by her thoughtful sharing of Chinese history in the context of the incredible story of the Flying Tigers, as well as her writing journey.”

Later this year, Yang has been invited to attend the Flying Tigers WWII Veterans Reunion in San Diego Sept. 25 through 29.
Visit irisyang-author.com or open-bks.com for more information.


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