July is Corn Fest month2 min read

If it’s July, it must be Corn Fest time. Camp Verde’s signature summer event returns Saturday, July 20, in downtown for its 27th year. 

Come to this free event focusing on the agricul­tural heritage of Camp Verde featuring fresh roasted Hauser & Hauser corn, as well as prepared food and a wide variety of other vendors. 
The event opens at 11 a.m. and continues until 8 p.m. with enter­tainment on the stage featuring four bands and children-friendly fun. 

The event will be held in the Community Center Gym and outside on Hollamon Street, which will be shut down for the event.  The Community Gym stage will feature plays and readings of children’s stories and other chil­dren’s activities, as well as music.  This one day event will feature both inside and outside spaces to beat the heat and enjoy the weather.  Nonprofit groups will be raising funds for schol­arships and other commu­nity supports including the Yavapai Rangers with their beer garden and Meals on Wheels.  In addition to roasted corn, fresh Hauser & Hauser corn will be avail­able for purchase, both at the Farmer’s Market, along with lots of other fresh produce next door at the Redinger Ramada starting at 8 am and at Corn Fest itself. 

Community involve­ment and participa­tion is key to this event remaining vital and alive. Volunteers are needed as gate keepers for Saturday as well as set-up help on Friday and Saturday morning.  Those interested in volunteering can contact Parks & Rec at 554- 0828 or email parks@ campverde.az.gov. 
There is still space available for vendors both inside and out; nonprofit groups get a discount. Local community groups are encouraged to become a vendor to promote and support their organizations.  “I think most attendees would rather support a local nonprofit when pos s ible,” Parks & Re c r e a t ion Manage r Michael Marshall said. 

Booths for nonprofits are only $50 per space to help encourage their participation. Visit visit­campverde.org/events then click on Corn Fest and “Become a Vendor” for more information and an application. 
Starting at 6 p.m., an IKF-sanctioned kick­boxing tournament hosted by Golden Cobra will be held on the Community Field with a separate admission charge. 
This event will feature title fights between fighters from Arizona and Nevada. 


Contact Camp Verde Parks & Recreation at 554- 0828, parks@campverde. az.gov or 395 S. Main St. for more information. 

Larson Newspapers

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