Whew and wow! Have you been feeling the changes? We had the recent Summer Solstice, (always occurs the moment that the Sun enters Cancer for a month), and these solstice energies last 3 months — plus — the New Moon Solar Eclipse, also in Cancer, occurred a few days ago July 2.
Just as it sounds, eclipses eclipse away/out situations/old energy, bringing new fate and destiny. New Moon Solar Eclipses begin new energies that last from 1-3 years! All this in Cancer; ruling home, family, the feminine, mother, breasts, stomach, childhood, past life, country, protection, land, gardening, cooking, and the like.
There will be another eclipse in July — on the 16th. That will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the opposite sign of Cancer; Capricorn, the zodiac sign ruling authority, father, career, traditions, government, our systems, buildings, bridges, bones, the old-fashioned, wisdom, age, hard work, manifestation, or challenges, separations, etc. Lunar eclipses eclipse old outdated ways and last 6 months.
Mercury (all communication) turned retrograde again, yesterday, on July 7, continuing through the 31st, starting to seemingly go backwards in the sky, in Leo (ego, pride, entertainment, children, creativity, romance) then backing up into Cancer on the 19th. Time to revisit your personal Leo and Cancer themes. During retrogrades we discover extremely important information. We also usually communicate with people in our past.
In retro, let delays and miscommunications roll off your back. Chill. Be extra careful with commerce and transportation. With retro-grade, retro everything — rethink, return, revisit, relax, redo.
Venus, (love), is also in Cancer most of July too. With all this huge energy in Cancer, (Sun, Solar Eclipse, Mercury, Venus), are you happy with your living situation or other Cancerian themes? You know I can decode your situations, and with God’s grace, offer direction for you straight from higher loving divine Spirit.
Consider that the Moon travels completely through the zodiac in one month. The Sun and Venus go through the entire zodiac in one year — Mars every two years —
Now consider This: With Saturn (discipline/red tape) in Capricorn currently, which only occurs every 29 years, because that is the length of time it takes to travel though the zodiac once, and Pluto (catharsis/transformation)) also happening now to be located in Capricorn, which would only occur every 248 years, they are both situated opposite all of this Cancer — and now playing tug of war with Cancer traits. Saturn and Pluto obviously move quite slowly and indicate large changes for us all, for more than the next 6 months.
When we have oppositions, it’s best to cooperate rather than compete; meet in the middle. Cancer rules emotions and Capricorn is practical. Cancer homey and Capricorn career-oriented. Etc.
If you’d like spiritual assistance in looking at your situations, I’m always here for you.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Schedule an enriching, positive, empowering, accurate Reading with Rachel Star of Sedona, by Telephone, to enjoy from the comfort and convenience of your own home. Each insight-packed Reading delivers personal details, insight about others, and dates, all rendering peace of mind via sacred, holy, loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate, destiny system, together guiding your free will choices within the scope of your path, to offer the most beneficial shaping of your destiny — evoking clarity and soothing emotional calm. Click to www.rachelstarofsedona.com, then the ‘Request a Reading’ page, call or text, 850-566-6698, or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Be a friend on Facebook at Rachel Spirit.