This past weekend brought a Full Moon in Pisces. Its effects last, officially, for weeks, yet the effects created by you, can last for years. Your steps determine.
For those unfamiliar with God’s language (astrology), interpreted through the movement of the heavenly bodies, and the geometrical aspects they make to each other, a Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are exactly opposite each other in the sky; called an opposition. Oppositions are like a tug of war with opposing opinions, yet have similar traits in the middle.
Just as it sounds, the Moon is as Full as it can grow. The Moon reflects emotions, and that’s why we feel so emotional at these Full times. The key is cooperation; meeting in the middle. If we have little self-control over our emotions, that’s why jails fill up, then, and similarly, mental wards.
Consider the fact that when each of us was born and inhaled our first breath, we inhaled the frequencies given off by the planets, in the signs where they were located at that moment. We all have the entire zodiac within. Doesn’t matter if you are a Leo sun sign. Everything in the sky is contained in your unique and individual birth chart.
For instance, you may be a Taurus sun sign, and were born when many planets were in the sign of Gemini. You would be inclined to have an abundance of Gem’s characteristics. This is only one explanation why some people don’t feel like their sun sign’s traits.
The Sun shines the light of clarity (depending on the sign’s traits where it is located within the zodiac), and the Moon is a reflection of our emotions (again the type of emotions are defined by the sign’s characteristics where the moon is located).
In this case, the Sun is in Virgo; the Moon in Pisces. Virgo wants to be of service. It is a detail-efficient worker. It is also about cleaning, organizing, discerning what information is sacred, and other information superficial. It rules our daily habits, both mentally and physically; our health, diet and exercise. It wants to refine, and perfect purity of personality.
Pisces has compassion and wants to help those less fortunate. It is artistic, musical, intuitive, rules dreams, imagination, film, holy spirit and the way to bliss. Pisces is watery and sensitive. Virgo is earthy and logical.
Many medical staff have a good deal of this Pisces and Virgo, lighting up in their birth charts.
Virgo can worry, or be hyper-critical, and Pisces can be fearful, confused or overwhelmed,… if not used in their best ways intended,
If we (Virgo) criticize ourselves and others, and worry excessively, we are not recognizing that we are made of God, so can surrender in faith to God’s unconditional love and nonjudgment (Pisces), as we flow and learn, evolving.
The intended use is for Virgo to refine ourselves and serve others via researched data, and for Pisces to be faithful, serene, and hear the comforting inner voice of guidance. We need to have eyes to really see, and ears to hear the way.
Where, in your chart, are Virgo and Pisces? That location tells the additional story of what parts of life will be effected…To give an example, let’s say one is located in your 4th house, then the other would be in the opposite house, the 10th house. The 4th house is literally about house and home, family, mothering, etc., and the 10th house is about career, status, and how we climb ambitiously to reach goals out in the world. Perhaps that person wants to create a home business in order to be more available to their children.
Yes, there is destiny already written, as well as free will to determine how we sail through the journey. May I suggest you follow your bliss, your road to your particular paradise, with faith, and do the practical work of the details to get there. Clean, organize, let go of what is not necessary any longer, make those calls, do the internet research. Serve yourself a life of divine living.
Rather than focus on faults and ramp up the noise with your noise, reclaim your inner peace, do what you can, speak your ‘peace’ and return to remembering a higher power has more authority than anything or anyone earth-bound to the physical plane.
Choice is constant. How will you shine your light, or your darkness?
If you’d like spiritual assistance in looking at your situations, I’m always here for you.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
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