Investigation of fatal police shooting nearly finalized1 min read

Photo by Ron Eland/Larson Newspapers

Officials say the investigation into a police-involved shooting in Sedona is nearing completion.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety was requested to conduct the investiga­tion into the Jan. 20 shooting involving a pair of Sedona Police Department officers.

“DPS has indicated that their internal review of the officer-involved shooting investigation is nearly complete, and then it will be turned over to the Coconino County Attorney’s Office for their review of the incident,” SPD Chief Charles Husted said.

On the day of the shooting, offi­cers received a call from a resident on Newcastle Lane in Sedona that there was an unknown male on the property with a machete and a stick. The caller indicated that the male was yelling and screaming.

“At one point the caller looked out and said it appeared the male was slicing himself with the machete,” Husted said at the scene of the shooting. “Our offi­cers arrived on the scene at 1:29 p.m. They engaged the subject and shots were fired at 1:32 p.m. The fire [district] was called for assistance and after their arrival declared the subject deceased at 1:40 p.m.”

The subject shot by officers was later identified as 41-year-old Jonathan David Messare, a newer Sedona resident who moved from Oregon last summer.


“We always provide a thorough and complete investigation when we are asked to investigate an officer-involved fatal shooting by an outside police agency,” DPS Spokesman Bart Graves said. “In short, we take our time because we want to be accurate as we strive to present a detailed final report to the agency that requested our assistance.”

Ron Eland

Ron Eland has been the assistant managing editor of the Sedona Red Rock News for the past seven years. He started his professional journalism career at the age of 16 and over the past 35 years has worked for newspapers in Nevada, Hawaii, California and Arizona. In his free time he enjoys the outdoors, sports, photography and time with his family and friends.

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