Sedona-Oak Creek School District re-ups Yavapai College’s dual enrollment1 min read

At the last Sedona Oak Creek School District Governing Board board meeting, the SOCSD and Yavapai College entered into their dual enrollment contract again.

“This is something that comes up every two years,” SOCSD Superintendent Denny Dearden said.

“It’s an opportunity to continue the partnership with Yavapai College.” The district approved the first partnership contract with the college a few years ago.

This intergovernmental agreement allows Sedona Red Rock High School students to attend college classes either through a semester structure or year-long classes, all completely free due to the no charge for dual-enrollment classes.

According to the contract laid out by the college and the school district, both “find it desirable to offer college level courses that may be counted towards high school and college graduation requirements at the high school during the day.” These courses, taught by college professors or college-approved high school teachers, are available for any grade level in the high school.

If there happens to be an instructor shortage, the college compensates the high school to provide a qualified teacher from the district.


All of the offered courses can then be transferred to in-state Arizona public universities or community colleges after completion by students.

The contract will continue for this school year and the next, although the approval is just protocol as both parties intend to continue the partnership and program for their students.

The contract was approved unanimously by the school district Governing Board.

Juliana Walter

Juliana Walter was born and raised on the East Coast, originating from Maryland and earning her degree in Florida. After graduating from the University of Tampa, she traveled all over the West for months before settling in Sedona. She has previously covered politics, student life, sports and arts for Tampa Magazine and The Minaret. When she’s not working, you can find Juliana hiking and camping all over the Southwest. If you hear something interesting around the city, she might also find it interesting and can be contacted at

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