Every year the West Sedona School hosts its community carnival to raise money for the Parent Teacher Association and every year it seems to be a great success.
This year, the event is continuing on with Carnival Style Games and Prizes, Silent Auctions, a Pumpkin-Carving Contest, Puppies and Kittens from the Coconino Humane Association,, food and snack stations, Haunted Classrooms, and many more carnival-themed activities.

“The Wildcat Carnival is the PTA’s largest fundraiser of the year. With the funds raised, the PTA will give each classroom money for supplies, activities, books, or materials the school district is unable to purchase,” second-grade teacher and carnival coordinator Theresa Zaun said.
Residents and businesses from all around the city sponsor the event. Volunteers from the community can help by donating new or gently used valuables for the silent auction, or just by helping out during the event.
The Wildcat Carnival at West Sedona School on Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021.
With more than 3,000 people attending the carnival each year, according to Zaun, it has always been very successful.
“Past carnivals have helped purchase three cold-filtered water bottle filling stations, an [Americans with Disabilities Act] approved hand washing station for the cafeteria, put in a drinking fountain on the back playground, provided materials for STEM and held events such as Read Across America Week, Staff Appreciation, etc.”
But it’s not just about the carnival games and food, students will also have the opportunity to share their STEM projects. Resource teacher Deb Sanders helped organize each class’ display of their Engineering is Elementary program, which covers many of the different areas of engineering based on grade level.
But mostly this event is a night for students, and teachers, to enjoy the festivities.
The Wildcat Carnival at West Sedona School on Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021.
“The students are already excited about the face painting, the prize booth, live goldfish, cotton candy, sno cones, pizza, and the baskets,” Zaun said. “Students are also very excited to enter the pumpkin carving contest.”
The carnival will take place at the school on Saturday, Oct. 22, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.