Beth Kingsley Hawkins to present Sedona Women with lessons on hummingbirds4 min read

Beth Kingsley Hawkins, executive director of the International Hummingbird Society, is known for her photographs of exotic hummingbirds like the Marvelous Spatuletail [Loddigesia mirabilis].

The Sedona Women will present “Everything I Know I Learned From Hummingbirds,” featuring Beth Kingsley Hawkins, on Wednesday, Feb. 8, as one of their monthly programs held from September through May.

Rufous hummingbird-at agastache. Photo couresy of Beth Kingsley Hawkins
Beth Kingsley Hawkins, executive director of the International Hummingbird Society

Hawkins, who is executive director of the International Hummingbird Society and owner of the Sedona Hummingbird Gallery in the Village of Oak Creek, will share her knowledge and photographs of, and experience with, the wondrous world of hummingbirds.

Hummingbirds continue to be a source of inspiration for Hawkins, who has studied them for decades, captured their essence through photography, written books about them and shared her many stories in lectures and presentations.

“There are many spiritual lessons to be learned from these creatures,” Hawkins said. “Stand still and be fully present in the wonder of the moment, search for the sweetest nectar and let a little joy into your life by bringing joy to others.”

A hummingbird feeds its offspring. Photo courtesy Beth Kingsley Hawkins

Hawkins believes there is a mystical, spiritual dimension to hummingbirds as well. She will share stories of how hummingbirds can be messengers that connect people to their loved ones in spirit to help them understand that love never dies. Her talk will include information about our “red-rockin’” hummingbirds and their nests here in Sedona, as well as on special features of exotic South American hummingbirds.

A hummingbird flutters in flight in May 2014. Jordan Reece/Larson Newspapers

Beth and her late husband Ross Hawkins founded the society in 1996, and its headquarters are in VOC. The society, with its mission of education and conservation, is spearheading a 2023 campaign in partnership with the American Bird Conservancy to purchase more habitat for the critically-endangered marvelous spatuletail in Peru.


It is truly one of the most spectacular of all hummingbirds, sporting two long tail feathers with spatula-like endings that the male birds wave up and down in a dance to attract females.

“Rufous and black-chinned hummingbirds in Flight,” the award-winning photograph from Joshua Esquivel, will be published in the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s 2015 Arizona Wildlife Calendar.
“Rufous and black-chinned hummingbirds in Flight,” the award-winning photograph from Joshua Esquivel, from the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s 2015 Arizona Wildlife Calendar.
Photo courtesy of Joshua Esquivel

This program is open to the public and will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 333 Schnebly Hill Road in Sedona. A meet-and-greet will begin at 9:30 a.m., followed by the program and a Q-and-A session.

The second Sedona Hummingbird Festival in 2013 took place at the Sedona Performing Arts Center at Sedona Red Rock High School.
Jordan Reece/Larson Newspapers

The Sedona Women are dedicated to having a positive and lasting effect on the community by providing opportunities for women to build relationships, to learn about the community, to support community needs and to enhance the natural beauty and distinctive character of Sedona. To learn more about The Sedona Women. a 501(c)(3), visit or contact

Hummingbird Society founder H. Ross Hawkins, Ph.D., kicks back in his Village of Oak Creek shop Friday, July 20, with a toy hummingbird. Hawkins will help host the inaugural Sedona Hummingbird Festival beginning Friday, Aug. 3, at the Sedona Performing Arts Center. The three-day event will include presentations, field trips, photography and demonstrations.
Hummingbird Society founder H. Ross Hawkins, Ph.D., [June 9, 1939-July 9, 2020] kicks back in his Village of Oak Creek shop Friday, July 20, 2012, with a toy hummingbird. Hawkins cofounded the inaugural Sedona Hummingbird Festival in 2012 and wrote the bimonthly “Your Hummingbird Connection” column in the Sedona Red Rock News for several years. He and his wife Beth Kingsley Hawkins founded the International Hummingbird Society in 1996.
Tom Hood/Larson Newspapers
Staff Writer

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