Sedona City Council candidate Q&A: Derek Pfaff5 min read

Age: 53

Time in Sedona: Eight years

Background: “I was born and raised in Phoenix, studied classics and anthropology and attended law school, all at the University of Arizona. I’ve been practicing real estate law for the past 26 years. I met my wife, Amanda, in Tucson and we’ve been married for 25 years. We have two teenaged children whom we raised in Sedona. One is still here and the other just moved to Tucson to attend the U of A.

“I served on the Sedona Historic Preservation Commission from 2016 to 2022 and participated in the Sedona Police Department’s Community Police Academy in 2022. Both were informative and rewarding experiences. Over the years, I’ve volunteered at West Sedona School and Sedona Red Rock High School.

Q: How do you propose to amend, alter, or repeal Sedona’s building codes to help solve the housing shortage?

A: “Existing building and land codes should largely be left intact to preserve Sedona’s character — e.g., I do not want high-rise buildings anywhere in Sedona. Sedona should continue to implement the Development Incentives and Guidelines for Affordable Housing and continue efforts to attract developers to construct workforce housing. When necessary to allow projects to move forward, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the council should consider variances from these codes, so long as safety, quality, functionality and overall appearance are not sacrificed.”


Q: Council has committed to the future use of the Sedona Cultural Park being decided by the public. What is your view on how that process should be conducted? Do you support or oppose the restoration of the amphitheater?

A: “The city has already announced a request for proposals concerning the design of the site. That engagement will include handling the public outreach and input processes. The city needs to consider the available options and choose the one that best achieves the goal of maximizing public participation.

“I personally do not want the derelict amphitheater to be resurrected. Doing so would create another source of traffic, dust and noise. Although they don’t attract many tourists, we have the Sedona Performing Arts Center and the Posse Grounds Pavilion as suitable venues serving locals. Tourists are already drawn to Sedona like moths to a flame. Let’s not fan those flames.

“I am concerned about the financial viability of the amphitheater and remain convinced that it would require substantial taxpayer subsidies to succeed. It failed once and I fear that it would otherwise do so again. Proponents of reopening the venue talk about private investors and benefactors who are prepared to back the venture, yet I’ve seen nothing to suggest that solid commitments have been made.

“I’m prepared to set aside my personal opinions if the resident input process reveals strong public support, a feasible business plan and self-sustaining sources of funding to reopen. If elected, my personal opinions would take a back seat to the will of my constituents. Nevertheless, I expect that the public input process will confirm that reopening the amphitheater has strong support from a small number with sentimental attachment to the venue and an even smaller number who want to increase tourism.

“Most of the residents I’ve encountered oppose reopening the venue.”

Q: Council has said short-term rentals are an obstacle to affordable housing in Sedona. What can council do to reduce STRs? What can council bring the median home price down to where it’s affordable for median-income residents?

A: “Short-term rentals continue to be a major impediment to affordable housing. Let’s face it, ‘affordable’ is relative. For as long as I’ve been here, Sedona housing has been expensive. However, before Senate Bill 1350, I knew plenty of teachers and other workers who managed to live in Sedona. When the STR frenzy hit, most moved to Cottonwood or other nearby towns and commuted. That soon changed when they realized they could get substantially the same pay without the commute.

“Are short-term rentals the only culprit? No. There are many factors affecting housing prices that are outside government control. However, the negative impacts of STRs could be mitigated if the state were to return regulatory authority to locals.

“Because of grandfathering, reimposing an outright ban would have little effect. My plan for dealing with STRs is to treat them like any other lodging business in terms of safety and accessibility requirements, licensing, taxation, inspections and other regulations. A big part of the appeal of owning an STR is getting the benefit of renting to tourists but with far fewer of the burdens imposed on hotels. That should end.

“To ensure that we’re not burdening those who rent an extra room to help make ends meet, part-time residents who let space while living elsewhere or operators who own a small number of units, I’d like to see these regulations imposed only on owners with more than a certain number of units under their direct or indirect ownership or control.”

Q: How do you suggest the city act to increase home ownership among workers?

A: “Efforts to bring down home prices and increasing home ownership among workers would be supported by some of the same measures needed to make affordable rentals available.

“However, given the limited amount of readily developable land in Sedona, I think these goals are likely unachievable. The city can inform workers of federal and state programs that help with home purchases, but I think that it needs to focus on affordable rentals and not undertake likely futile efforts concerning home ownership.”

Editor’s Note:

There are three open seats on Sedona City Council in the 2024 election. Incumbent Sedona City Councilwoman Kathy Kinsella, challenger Derek Pfaff, incumbent Sedona Vice Mayor Holli Ploog and challenger Katherine Todd are the four candidates campaigning for three seats. Election day is Tuesday, July 30.

Christopher Fox Graham

Christopher Fox Graham is the managing editor of the Sedona Rock Rock News, The Camp Verde Journal and the Cottonwood Journal Extra. Hired by Larson Newspapers as a copy editor in 2004, he became assistant manager editor in October 2009 and managing editor in August 2013. Graham has won awards for editorials, investigative news reporting, headline writing, page design and community service from the Arizona Newspapers Association. Graham has also been a guest contributor in Editor & Publisher magazine and featured in the LA Times, New York Post and San Francisco Chronicle. He lectures on journalism, media law and the First Amendment and is a nationally recognized performance aka slam poet. In January 2025, the International Astronomical Union formally named asteroid 29722 Chrisgraham (1999 AQ23) in his honor at the behest of Lowell Observatory, citing him as "an American journalist and longtime managing editor of Sedona Red Rock News. He is a nationally-recognized slam poet who has written and performed multiple poems about Pluto and other space themes."

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