The city of Sedona’s fifth WagFest & Fair will be held at the Posse Grounds Pavilion at 525 Posse Ground Road on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon.
“This free community event features a variety of dog focused fun and games, including a costume contest at 11:30 a.m. and doggy musical chairs,” the city stated in a press release.
“There will also be a free raffle, gift bags for the first 100 attendees with a dog, special treats, pet portraits, canine-centric vendors and exhibitors, informative presenters with opportunities for education and more.”

About 300 people with their dogs attended last year’s event and city staff anticipate a similar turnout this year.
“The opportunity for dog owners and lovers to come out and celebrate their pets is something that is really appreciated,” Parks and Recreation Special Events Coordinator Jason Vargo said. “People love this thing.”
There will be no cost for any of the activities or dog mocktails; dog treats will be available for purchase, along with several local vendors also selling their wares. The dog talent show will will be replaced by a pup parade at 9:30 a.m. and a costume contest at 11:30 a.m.
“We have a dog-inspired playlist ready to keep everyone entertained,” Vargo said. “We’ll be playing classic hits like ‘Puppy Love’ and ‘Hound Dog’ with some deeper cuts, like ‘I Wanna Be Your Dog’ by Iggy Pop and The Stooges and ‘Diamond Dogs’ by David Bowie, and lots of songs in between and all over the place.”
The event will include a game of “musical sits,” intended to be similar to musical chairs. As music plays, dogs and their owners will move around, and when the music stops, the dogs must sit. The last dog to sit will be eliminated until a winner is determined.
Dog trainers and rescue organizations, including the Sedona Humane Society, will be giving between 15 and 20 presentations during the event. Dogs being brought to the event must be up to date on vaccinations and must be kept on a leash at all times, and owners will be held responsible for cleaning up after their dogs’ messes.
“WagFest evolved from a community that obviously has a great love for their canine companions, and this event emerged as a response to that,” Vargo said. “It’s proven itself to be very popular every year, and as it’s evolved, we’ve just created new and more fun opportunities for dogs and dog lovers to come out and enjoy the morning.”
For more information, visit sedonaaz.gov/parkevents or call (928) 282-7098.