Sedona Gem and Mineral Show
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Steve Imms uses a UV flashlight to look for florescent minerals in pieces for sale during the Sedona Gem and Mineral show at Sedona Red Rock High School on Saturday, Oct. 19. Imms was hoping to find a piece with fluorescent minerals from the Sterling Hill Mine.

Steve Imms shows how some of his florescent minerals glow under UV light during the Sedona Gem and Mineral show at Sedona Red Rock High School on Saturday, Oct. 19.

Dale and Donna Forbes and Betsy Fritz look at African Queen Picture Jasper during the Sedona Gem and Mineral show at Sedona Red Rock High School on Saturday, Oct. 19.

Dale and Donna Forbes and Betsy Fritz look at African Queen Picture Jasper during the Sedona Gem and Mineral show at Sedona Red Rock High School on Saturday, Oct. 19.

Judah Bruesch looks through a basket of rocks as Betsy Fritz looks at the collection he has already gathered during the Sedona Gem and Mineral show at Sedona Red Rock High School on Saturday, Oct. 19.

Tiger Iron for sale at the Sedona Gem and Mineral show at Sedona Red Rock High School on Saturday, Oct. 19.
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