A PREMIERE Estate Sale is this Friday and Saturday, February 21st …1 min read

A PREMIERE Estate Sale is this Friday and Saturday, February 21st & 22nd, from 9:00am to 3:00pm in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona.This home is owned by a creative, long-time resident of Sedona, who has recently moved. The house is filled from wall-to-wall with some of the most beautiful Southwest and contemporary art, furniture, and home decor. There are several unique items, but some of the most outstanding includes a huge woman’s boutique with a mind-boggling array of shoes, hats, and clothing. There is also a large variety of pottery, kitchen appliances, and art. This house is also one of those sales that includes a huge amount of jewelry. Please see the website for more details:apremiereestatesale.comThe address will be posted on our website and in our reminder eblast that goes out the night before the sale OR you can just follow the signs in the area on the days of the sale.

Classifieds Staff

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