A PREMIERE Estate Sale is this Friday and Saturday, March 14th & …1 min read

A PREMIERE Estate Sale is this Friday and Saturday, March 14th & 15th, from 9:00am to 3:00pm in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona. This is an estate sale like you’ve never seen before. It truly is amazing. The house is absolutely packed from end to end and is arranged like an antique store from decades ago. And yet, the items-from antiques to modern-have been well taken care of. There are thousands of items, including a Yamaha baby grand piano, collection of wall crosses, craft items, southwest and western items, antique and vintage sewing machines, several golf bags with clubs, record albums, quality women’s clothes and purses, dozens of baskets, hundreds of jewelry items, various exotic rugs, a Grandfather clock, live plants and, therefore there is something for everyone. Please see the website for more details: apremiereestatesale.com The address will be posted on our website and in our reminder eblast that goes out the night before the sale OR you can just follow the signs in the area on the days of the sale.

Classifieds Staff

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