A PREMIERE Estate Sale is this Friday and Saturday, March 21st & …1 min read

A PREMIERE Estate Sale is this Friday and Saturday, March 21st & 22nd, from 9:00am to 3:00pm in West Sedona.This is a cute two-story, three bedroom house with a spacious living room and dining room that are filled with a nice variety of southwestern items, western items, and various standard contemporary items. There are several Southwest and Mexican blankets and statues, as well as a large 35″ metal Kachina. There’s a great variety of children’s books and toys in one room, as well as a large selection of teddy bears. There is also a nice grill and high-quality patio furniture. Please see the website for more details:apremiereestatesale.comThe address will be posted on our website and in our reminder eblast that goes out the night before the sale OR you can just follow the signs in the area on the days of the sale.

Classifieds Staff

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