Sedona’s new bike skills park pedalling ahead2 min read

Jordan Reece/Larson Newspapers
The city of Sedona recently received 350 cubic yards of dirt from the Courtyard at Marriott construction project. The dirt will be used for the new bike skills park at Posse Grounds Park. That project had gone out to bid and once constriction begins, work is anticipated to take upwards of three months to complete.

It’s taken longer than expected but the Sedona bike skills park is finally getting some traction.

Recently, the city sent out a request for qualifications for constriction of the project, which will be built at Posse Grounds Park. Work will include cut and fill grading, erosion control, soil compaction, general landscaping as well as constriction of a wide variety of dirt jumps and rollers for multiple skill levels, wooden framed features, trails of varying length, while providing general constriction services. The project has been budgeted for $111,000.

“How I feel right now is frustrated but hopeful,” Parks and Recreation Manager Rachel Murdoch said. “I will feel better once a qualified company has been chosen and the contract signed. I think the work will move quickly. It just has to when compared to how long this initial process has taken. People in this community supported this project and donated money to this project and I want them to see we care about getting this project completed for them.”

When City Council approved this project, the agreement was that the cycling community would be responsible for paying for the design phase of the project. In all, $37,188.44 was raised from private and corporate donations.

“I am very grateful to the people who have donated their money and time to bring us this far,” said Doug Copp, the city’s bicycle coordinator. “I see lots of enthusiasm whenever I talk to the public about the bike park. Everyone wants to know when the park will be ready to use. I just tell them where we are in the process.”

Copp said once the city has selected a contractor and agreed upon a on price, then the construction contract will go to the council for approval. That could take place as soon as the Tuesday, Jan. 12, meeting. Construction could start as soon as the contractor can mobilize their people and equipment.

The park will offer a lot of features when complete, but it will take more than one phase to build the entire park, Copp said. When complete, the features will include a pump park, jump park, dual slalom course, flow trails, bike skills area, tot area and a drop zone. He said that first phase should be completed within three months and then be ready for use.


“It does feel closer to reality but there is still much work ahead,” he said. “We recently received about 350 cubic yards of free dirt from the Marriott Hotel construction site so it looks like something is happening at our bike park which makes it feel more real. We are currently trying to find a contractor that has both bike park experience and the proper Arizona contractor’s license.”

To read the full story, see the Wednesday, Nov. 25, edition of the Sedona Red Rock News.

Larson Newspapers

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