I’ll tell you where your opportunities lie. However, keep in mind that they have to be acted upon or they just fly over. To take action, one must know the when.
How much do you know about astrology; God’s language to us, for enabling our best paths to destiny? (See my website for biblical quotes.)
Do you read your astrology for the day or month? If so, remember to read for your Rising sign (also called your Ascendant sign), not reading simply your Sun sign. In fact there is more accuracy from your Ascendant in those periodicals. Yes really!
However, I’ve not been one to recommend getting the scoop from just any daily horoscope, or for that matter, put your stock into an interpretation of your birth chart from the internet. You are not your sun sign, nor your ascendant, and your day and month have a larger picture, than for entertainment purposes.
If what you read is giving empowering guidance, we can all take that advice, right? Some entertaining horoscope days may be a hit, while others a miss. So where are the real opportunities?
Let’s start by saying that, basically, astrology effects the greater population, and it also affects each of us personally, differently.
Have you heard of a sextile? Now these are the times of our opportunities. They happen very often. Rather than teach you what creates a sextile and have you yawn, let it suffice to repeat, that they must be acted upon. Hence knowledge is power.
What does a geometrical sextile look like, if you are looking at the geometrical aspects of any day on an astrological calendar? Take the x in the word sextile, just add a vertical line through the middle, and Whala. The calendar will give you the time of the sextile in eastern or Pacific Time zone.
Often these times will occur while we sleep, but keep your eye on your day dreams and use the time to your advantage.
Then there is your own personal birth and progressed astrology (yes we progress from how we were born, with each year of age). It’s no coincidence we change and evolve… and an astrologer, like myself, can see your own life’s opportunities and how, personally, things may be heading into opportune times.
Knowledge IS power. The real power is your heavenly Creator Source. Ahoy, mate, let’s sail directly into the beautiful waters God has created for You.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Have a Reading with Rachel by telephone, OR get acquainted in her serene West Sedona Reading Room. Pop in to ongoing basic astrology classes Wednesdays 3:30-5:00 for $20. Each accurate, empowering, insight-packed Reading renders peace of mind via loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate destiny system, all evoking clarity and emotional relief. Book for your events too. Attend her workshop, Astrology Revelations About You & Life Itself, Feb. 21. For more information, go to www.rachelstarofsedona.com , call 928-282-3444, cell/text 850-566-6698, email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com and LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona and friend her at Rachel Spirit.