CAB Comics does Free Comic Book Day2 min read

CAB Comics in Flagstaff is one of the thousands of comic book shops around the world celebrating the largest event in the comic book industry on Saturday, May 4, known as Free Comic Book Day.

For over 18 years, thousands of participating stores give away over five million comic books to millions of fans to introduce them to the wonders of comics. The event will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. CAB Comics is located at 1471 South Milton Road in Flagstaff.

“Free Comic Book Day is a great event for the whole community. Bringing everyone together, finding books for everyone to enjoy and seeing people of all ages — children, teens and adults — sharing our passion for comics is incredible,” CAB COMICS owner Cory Bushnell said. “Even if you’ve never picked up a comic book, we want to welcome everyone to CAB Comics on May 4, because there are so many amazing comics this year and we can’t wait to share them.”

Celebrating its 18th year, Free Comic Book Day is the comic book specialty market’s annual event where participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely free to anyone who comes into their comic shops.

The event is held the first Saturday in May and is the perfect opportunity to introduce friends and family to the many worlds of wonder available at local comic book shops. From super-heroes to slice-of-life to action/adventure and beyond, Free Comic Book Day has a comic book for everyone.


CAB Comics will also have local comic book artists Jan Marc Quisumbing, aka The Janimal, of Sedona, president of the Northern Arizona Cartoonist Association, Ryan Comstock-McMurry and DC Comics veteran Dave Beaty in the store to meet fans and draw for them.

The store will also host a food drive — raffling off sketch covers drawn by various comic book artists — to help benefit the Flagstaff Family Food Center. Participants get a ticket for every food item donated and for every $10 spent in the store. Raffle ticket holders must be present to win. Dave Beaty will also be doing sketches to benefit the Flagstaff Family Food Center. A percentage of sales from in-store purchases will also be donated.

Members of the Dune Sea Garrison, a local Star Wars charity cosplay group will be in costume taking pictures with comic book fans alike. Find more information online at Contact CAB Comics at 774-1655.

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