Letters to the Editor
- Letters must be less than 300 words. Letters in excess of 300 words will be edited at the newspaper’s discretion.
- All letters submitted must include the writer’s signature, printed name, and for verification purposes, street address and telephone number. Letters without a phone number and address can not be verified and will not be printed.
- Attacks against individuals will not be published. Letters that are considered libelous will not be published.
- We reserve the right to edit any letter for space and good taste.
- Send letters via e-mail to editor@larsonnewspapers.com or drop off at 298 Van Deren Road, Uptown Sedona.
Guest Perspectives
- Guest Perspectives are reserved for elected officials; government officials; official spokespersons and/or heads of 501(c)(3) nonprofits and formally recognized organizations such as state-registered political committees, business alliances, trade unions, corporations, etc.; and “experts in the field.”
- Potential Guest Perspective authors must list their aforementioned expertise in detail to warrant the extended word count; this will not be printed. Potential authors must also include a one- to two-sentence tagline to indicate to readers their status or expertise; this will be printed at the end of the Guest Perspective.
- All letters submitted must include the writer’s signature, printed name, and for verification purposes, home street address and home telephone number. Letters without a phone number and address can not be verified and will not be printed. (Phone numbers and addresses are not printed nor released to the public).
- We do not accept third-party Guest Perspectives, so the author must be the sender of the email, not an assistant, aide, partner, etc.
- Guest Perspective authors are limited to one Guest Perspective per month, which may be further limited at our discretion and without notice due to the volume of letters we receive and in the interest of fairness to other authors.
- Potential Guest Perspective authors should include a mugshot of at least 1MB or larger in .jpg, .tiff, .png, or .svg format.
- Guest Perspectives must include supplemental data, links, documents, etc., if such material is referenced.
- Letters must be less than 900 words. We reserve the right to edit any Guest Perspective for space and good taste.
- Publication cannot be guaranteed.
- Publication date cannot be guaranteed.
- Send proposed Guest Perspectives via e-mail to editor@larsonnewspapers.com or drop off at 298 Van Deren Road, Uptown Sedona.