An allegedly distracted driver hit guard rail and flipped on southbound State Route 89A in Oak Creek Canyon at Mile Post 386, between the Cave Springs and Pine Flats campgrounds. No major injuries were reported. A medevac helicopter was called out then quickly cancelled. A tow truck is on scene. Photo by David Jolkovski/Larson Newspapers

An allegedly distracted driver hit guard rail and flipped on southbound State Route 89A in Oak Creek Canyon at Mile Post 386, between the Cave Springs and Pine Flats campgrounds. No major injuries were reported. A medevac helicopter was called out then quickly cancelled.

A tow truck is on scene.

Photos by David Jolkovski/Larson Newspapers

David Jolkovski

After graduating with a BFA in photojournalism from the Corcoran College of Art + Design, David worked as a photographer for community newspapers in New Jersey and Phoenix and freelanced for the New York Times and The Washington Post. Prior to joining the Sedona Red Rock News, he worked as staff photographer for a nongovernmental organization working in the Caribbean and Central America.

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