Winter soul-stice and a full house4 min read

Let me count the days and ways on hand this week:

Last evening began eight nights of Hanukkah.

Tonight, Wednesday, at 10:30 pm Arizona Mountain time, we have our winter solstice. That always occurs at the moment the sun goes into Capricorn (where it will stay for about 30 days).

Saturday at 11:06 am we have our once-a-year New Moon in Capricorn. It’s the time of year to put forth new efforts for growth in Capricorn affairs like business, career, reputation, authority, government, structures, traditions, and the paternal and elderly mature element…discipline, practicality, prudence, conservatism, hard work, responsibility, frugality, restraint, restriction, sobriety.


Do they sound like New Year’s resolutions?  Is it coincidence that we make resolutions every year when the sun is in Capricorn? How long do our resolutions often last? Until the sun leaves Capricorn, which is the third week in January? Maybe it’s not our fault…it could be written in the stars. “They” do say that it takes three weeks to pattern a new habit, so maybe that’s all we need if we get serious (Capricorn) and work it, work it…(Capricorn)



Saturday night is Christmas eve.


Sunday is Christmas day.


Also Sunday, Jupiter turns from retrograde to direct motion bringing forward movement again to good luck, expansion, abundance and blessings regarding Taurus themes: money, income, worth, self-esteem, romance, quality, talents, luxury though being frugal otherwise, values, the earth and other earthy sensuous Taurus characteristics.


Monday is Kwanzaa.


That’s a full house/week. And our houses will be fuller than usual with family, friends and guests.

After each solstice or equinox it’s always a good idea to get the body a massage (Taurus) to realign and be flexible to the new elements each season brings.

After holy days eating it could be a good idea to eat more restrictively and conservatively (Capricorn) so as not to let the body’s expansion expand further (Jupiter).

Here’s a prudent heads up. Every two years Mars goes retrograde. Mars rules motors, ignition, forward motion, action, aggression, passion, sensuality, enthusiasm, our physical energy level, male energy, anger, war, surgery and more. It will begin its retrograde (backward and inward) motion on January 23 (the same day as the Chinese New Year of the Dragon – hint: Chinese New Years always occur when we have our New Moon in Aquarius each year.) Mars will retrograde until mid-April!

Whoever starts an antagonistic action toward another will lose. If your car motors are acting up, get them handled way before Jan 23. If you need surgery schedule it before or after, unless it’s re-doing a surgery. If you or your intimate relationship has any sensual or anger issues that need addressing, work on them now. Otherwise they will flare up during the retro and those that are on thin ice will unravel. You may hear from, run into or revive old passionate relationships from the past.

Let’s all be wise men and women who create a responsible holy days season while seeing the value in all of the blessings we do have. Overdoing (Jupiter) the tempting food, sweets and alcohol doesn’t usually make for comfortable bodies, safe driving, or words we won’t regret. We can build new structures (Capricorn New Moon) by making mature choices.

We may even meet people that can further our career and would want to be sober for that opportunity. Let’s help the host or hostess with the dishes and share our gifts and talents with those who are having a very frugal (Capricorn and Taurus) holyday. There is no food, drug, sweet or drink that feeds the soul like bringing blessings to others.

Light the candle lights of Hanukkah for eight nights, remembering there is much more than minds believe thru logic, reason and what has been the status quo. Open to that light and we can see longer, farther, wider and wiser, with our God eyes.

On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer, on Vixen, on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner, on Blitzen. Rudolf, is your red nose just cold, or are you Blitzed?

Remember this is a time to honor and respect (Capricorn) our spiritual cultures’ diverse traditions and each other, making the Holy Spirit proud to live through us.

Happy soul-stice, Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa.

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444 or  Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her website is  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone or skype.  Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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