Do you remember the tale of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, with the Darling family children Wendy, Michael and John who lived in Britain? If not, you must find the movie; it’s one of the most charming and iconic stories. There’s a well-known song called, ‘I’m Flying.’ Peter and the fairy Tinkerbell could fly, so he taught the children, and took them to Never Never Land, where children never grow up.
Yes, that’s where another Michael, Jackson, got the name for his home estate where he could live out a childhood he never had. As a child I watched the first television broadcast ever shown of Peter Pan, when I was five, then every year, and I don’t believe I have ever grown up. I’m a kid at heart still.
Fairy tales do come true, and as synchronicity would have it, I began writing this a couple of days ago and today, Tuesday, Feb. 14, I shared a facebook post, previously posted by someone else, which shows a photo of what seems to look like and be the mummified remains of a fairy, with a corresponding story about preserved fairies that were found in the countryside in Britain, Britain being where the fairy tale takes place. I encourage you to have a look, read and determine for yourself from my fb page, Rachel Spirit.
Just like the co-star of the fairy tale Peter Pan, my given name at birth is Wendy. (My middle, inner spiritual, name is Rachel.) I have a dear younger brother, Peter, and my first two boyfriends as a child were John and Michael.
So I pose the pondering to you, are the things that stand out in a child’s early years synchronistic design or influential? I believe wholeheartedly in synchronicity, no matter what age. My favorite comic book was Wendy the good little witch, and though not a witch, I believe life is magic and best done with good intentions/highest and happiest thoughts. In this fairy tale, Michael asks Peter Pan how he is able to fly and Pan says, ‘oh, you just think lovely, happy, wonderful thoughts and up you go. Think of fishing, hopscotch, candy…picnics, summer, candy…sailing, flowers, candy.’
In the story, Wendy, Peter and the others all fly through clouds and a galaxy of stars, and as it turns out, the mystical esoteric, yet real, language of the planets and stars is my livelihood! I used to also be a vocal stage performer, and when I took vocal training from Judy Davis, coach to the stars, I met Mary Martin, star of Peter Pan, who autographed a photo of my mother, as mother to Peter and Wendy, which I gave mom.
I used to love to fly on planes, and did it often. Then, once upon a time, feeling stressed flying across country round trip to see my mother because she had just had a stroke, and passed shortly after, I noticed a fear, and haven’t flown in nearly 20 years, preferring road trips. Eventually, having driven across country and relocated to be by my dad, there came a time when he fell, and his mind dwindled. By his side every day in nursing homes when he was in and out of consciousness for months, while in his awake dream state he used to speak about flying in a plane. I knew he wouldn’t fly again in his lifetime, yet perhaps he’d be with me in spirit if I did, again, and was tapping into that future design.
About 2-3 months ago, the flying fog lifted. Timing is everything, and the time has obviously arrived. I’m flying. To get ready for this flight, I’ve accumulated lovely, happy, wonderful thoughts from seeing so many planes, and people flying inside planes on TV, looking out the window, putting their carry-on luggage in the overheads, and arriving at so many places; plus realizing how many people fly; from those who fly daily, to the little girls on Dance Moms who fly to competitions all the time; researching that there are 93,000 safe commercial flights, daily, globally. My flight has no movie and only peanuts or pretzels for snacks but I’ll be thinking of my own movie to lift me into happy thoughts, and likely watch a good DVD on my laptop. Since Pan suggests it, I think I’ll bring some candy too.
I’m flying to see Peter and many others in my family. My dad. from the happily ever after, may be flying with me in spirit. The fairy Tinkerbell will throw her fairy dust, and up, up and away we go, just as in the story, Tink making it possible for us to fly safely home. I’ll write you of my adventures and flights through the stardust.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her website is She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype. Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.