Mercury, which rules all communication, seemingly stopped in the sky as of early this morning … from seemingly going backwards/retrograde for over three weeks, and now having ‘stopped’ to go forward again, it is slowly picking up speed in direct motion again. Mercury goes retrograde three times each year for about 3 ½ weeks each time, and I usually get calls, texts, facebook messages or emails asking me if mercury is retrograde because of what’s happening (or not happening) in their lives.
I think it’s a good idea for everyone to know when the dates are, surrounding retrogrades, so that we can prepare in advance, and understand why things are happening (or not happening) during the backstroke of these planets—especially Mercury, since it happens so often throughout every year.
I list these times on the Astrology page of my free website, We should let things roll off our back, we can make our important appointments for after it moves forward again. We can get the car checked out long before the retrograde brings its issues up, because during retrograde, often mechanics can’t figure out what the issue is, or leave a tool under the hood, for instance. We can buy our electronics items long before or shortly after, otherwise we’ll find ourselves in long return lines as the product didn’t work well. We’re misunderstood, didn’t say what we needed to, things are delayed, late, had to be done over again and again. Everything regarding communication and commerce is affected.
Think I’m kidding? I’d rather you not have to go through these things, but they are generally inevitable. However, a little knowledge goes a long way in sidetracking them and using the time for how it was intended.
Do you think retrogrades are cruel and unusual punishment? How about a parent, guardian, teacher or friend suggesting how to do things in your best interest. Do you think they want to say I told you so if you didn’t use their guidance? Well, the movement of the planets has a loving spiritual language that many have learned to interpret or read, just like music or Spanish, let’s say, and it’s for our guidance.
So what are Mercury retrogrades GOOD for? These are times meant to cruise your inner self. Rethink things. Sort through thoughts. And take it easy. Don’t we all need ‘down’ time so we don’t overload? Relax. Reorganize. Redo. Rewrite. Reminisce. Revisit. Remember. Regenerate. Recharge. Redecorate. Declutter. Detach. Nap. Vacation. Realize you can wait on certain things, knowing that would be in your best interest. Maybe that is how to learn patience is a virtue.
It is a lot easier to get around Spain if you know the language, right? Same thing about life on this location– earth. You can learn a lot about the language ins and outs on my Astrology page. Not so much cautions, really, as insight and guidance. Like weather reports. Sunny today, rain tomorrow. It’s not that rain is bad at all, but having the insight guides us how to use the day while earth gets nourished.
When the Moon is void of course (about every 2 ½ days for anywhere from a minute to a full 2 ½ days, it’s like a mini mercury retrograde. Same guidance; don’t schedule anything important during those times. Chill, do routine things. Now for broader insight, if you’re flying during these times, for instance, no worries, the pilot is doing the usual, and nothing of much consequence will likely occur. Yet there could be a delay, right? So knowing possibilities…just you be on time and go with the rest of the flow. During retrograde, it’s a good time to revisit people or places anyway. Just remember to mark your luggage with your address and phone.
Now Mars retrogrades about every two years. We are in it now (since mid January) until April 13. So all things Mars will go forward again then; the wheels of motion in your life will start turning again, including passion, motivation, in fact our energy level itself! I am looking forward to that! But we’ve had excuses to be laid back, haven’t we? From a higher source? Gotta love it!
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her website is She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype. Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.