Being of white light4 min read

It is one thing to be a human being dedicated to living in the light. It is another to actually see a non-human being of white light. That is exactly what I saw in front of me Friday; twice in one afternoon!

In this dense physical plane we live in, initially it takes work; real and continual effort to come out the other side of our issues and challenges looking for our own personal lessons of growth, with unconditional nonjudgmental love, forgiveness, and keeping a truly positive optimistic mindset of the miraculous. With practice it comes easily.

Last week’s column innocently began with the words, ‘calling all angels,’ and two days after it went on the ethereal worldwide web of the Red Rock News site, I saw a being of light. Perhaps it was an angel. Since consciousness is more than worldwide, the web’s reach is too; galactic…infinite.

I have been a spiritual Reader for many decades and hear within my being, the insight and guidance for myself and others, knowing it isn’t from me, but through me; that I am a happy vessel for those seeking communication from spirit to gain enrichment from loving, higher counsel; that I am a channel receiver. I have believed for a very long time that we are watched over with love.

I figuratively called for angels in last week’s column, and an ethereal being came bathed in its divine white light. It was like any other day at my office where I give spiritual counsel. I was called by my concierge to greet a client downstairs, and as I began down the steps, there at the bottom was a gentle being of white light. Not just light itself, but a being bathed through and through in light. After returning the client to the concierge, starting up the steps again by myself, there it was at the top, once more so loving toward me.

Average to tall height, I say a being because I was certain there was consciousness, and though non-defined with facial features, a full body…let’s call it the popular light body, because certainly it wasn’t dense. It felt personal and incredibly tender and caring toward me. It reached its arms toward me a bit and the light expanded between the body and the reach of the moving arm wings, like feathers of wings would expand, yet there were no feathers; but arms. All was glowing in white light. I knew beyond just believing, that the esoteric, ethereal life beyond the dense physical life is this loving, calm, tenderness, reassuring, and something to look forward to when the time comes; as it comes for us all to happily reunite.


I like to live in the white light of consciousness in the present, now, kind of a utopian place, and though some may think it unusual, it is magical, wonderful and I wouldn’t want to live any other way. I believe we can all live this way on a daily basis and it has always been my happy ‘work’ to elicit this state of mind in a client before we even begin our spiritual consultation about their life and questions, with a short, positive, relaxing, guided spoken meditation for them. Within just a couple of minutes each one personally experiences divine peace of mind for themselves, realizing how quickly and easily they reached that state, and that it is always accessible anywhere, any time, all the time!

Sure there could be mean-intended gossip, lies and slander; drug or alcohol-induced cruel behaviors from some; ignorant words or actions by others who know no better, who perhaps had prejudices or small thinking programmed from an early age, or were hurt or let down, so have little compassion as how to conduct themselves lovingly; yet it is our perceptions, our abilities to live above it, select, when possible, who we allow around us, and expect  the highest always, knowing what others say or do does not define us or have the power to shake our inner calm, nor abilities to grow even stronger and more miraculous. And we have the power not to stoop to similar reactive actions as theirs; i.e. dim our light. Remember, by rubbing against the hard darkness of coal, we become a diamond. Shine your light on the path for others to see and follow.

Love (and light) from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her website is  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype.  Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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