Hi world. Were you brought up and have you spent your life thus far wearing old jeans and a t-shirt with your hair freeform or in a pony tail? It doesn’t matter if you have a Harley and must dress for the ride and have helmet hair. I drove my 250 scooter with a helmet for years, and was on the back of my former hubby’s cycle, again, with a helmet. There are ways to work with it.
Nor does it matter if you think fashion shows are frivolous. What does matter is feeling alive like you want to sing out fully to your favorite song, just because you feel great. You may wear a uniform to work. My question is, have you ever tried on some clothing or gotten a haircut that was out of your comfort zone but in your ‘what if’ zone? A good haircut can be simple to style and comb; even wash and wear. Clothes can be simple and comfy without being a gym suit.
I know who we are is not what we look like; the clothes we wear or the color of our hair. I do know that any time I put on clothes to go out in the world in general, which look really nice to my sense of style, I feel like a million bucks. We all know someone who “cleaned up nice,” as they say. They seem to walk taller, feel more confident in themselves, perhaps act in more refined ways. Obviously then it must be innate in all of us, laying dormant until we awaken. It’s the attitude and inner feeling I’m speaking to here.
When people shop, generally we’re looking for something we think would make us feel and present an appearance as great. Even that Motley Crue t-shirt is bought for that reason. Right? Can you toy with the idea of at least cleaning it, or getting a new one if it’s worn thin or stained? How about the idea of wearing something a step or more out of that arena, just to see if it’s true, that clothes make a difference in how we feel wearing them? Don’t like the thought of trying to fit in… especially with the ‘suit’ crowd?
Surely it doesn’t need to be a suit. How about a skirt, or blouse, shorts or pants versus jeans to start, or just new jeans to replace those worn for years? Aren’t you trying to fit in anyway, just with the ‘other’ crowd? Think your friends would laugh? You may be pleasantly surprised. Again, staying in the comfort zone of friends is ‘fitting in’ versus ‘stepping out’ of the box of whatever the crowd mentality seems to be. Don’t have the courage to stand out in that crowd? Try one thing at a time. Easy does it with any growth steps, right?
Do you want to feel more alive in your days alive? And not just clothing, but how about going to a shop and asking a specialist their opinion on what would look best for your hair, to suit your facial frame, and coloring? Do you need your unibrow separated? Let’s go a step further, and think about your smile. Do you smile your widest and happiest every day? Is it because of a missing or chipped tooth or teeth? Why miss out on the great feeling a big smile gives you?
You may be surprised to find out how affordable it is to feel your best just by how you enhance your body, no matter what height or weight. Some trimmed and clean finger and toe nails can even make you feel like royalty, with or without color. Body mind and spirit are all connected. Let’s raise some spirits. Would it light up your mother, your favorite partner, or give your kids a kick? Most important is how you feel.
It’s the time of year to spiff up our game again, as we had our once-a-year Taurus New Moon Saturday morning. So find quality clothing at affordable prices, take time for your bodies and make yourselves happier; raise self esteem. Taurus is also about beauty and grace, and the bliss we feel when we look as good as God enables. I, for one, feel joy just looking at God’s lovely views, and that includes you.
Taurus is also about money and worth. Looking, thereby feeling your best could land you that job. Look alive the way you’ve always dreamed. It’s your dream; why wouldn’t you live it while you’re alive? Try it; you’ll like it! First and foremost, start by loving and appreciating yourself exactly the way you are, right now. You are divine.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or rachelspirit@earthlink.net. Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her website is www.goddesstheway.com. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype. Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.