Things Happen Easily, Gently, Comfortably and Safely in Divine Timing5 min read

That has been my mantra for many years. I expect the energy field that surrounds us, is everywhere, including within us, to treat me gently, make things easy, and keep me comfortable and safe. Having faith in divine timing allows everything to flow from one thing to the next, without the anxiety and fear so many attach to time, as things happen when they are supposed to, and all is ultimately well.


Basically, I believe that God is good and our outcomes have a lot to do with what we co-create by our intention. Quantum physics has proven that. Check your thoughts against your outcomes.


If you wish scientific backup, watch the DVD The Living Matrix. Translations in the Bible concur that, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” So believing is the key. The other key is not living with fingers crossed in hope for it in the future, but that it is already there for you, to be revealed.



Can you really believe that an elder of 120 years, in hospice, with all systems shut down, will jump up as a healthy 18 year old? But we can believe that the highest outcome we are able to truly perceive, can be received. Sometimes we can be general and proclaim whatever is in the best and highest interests, trusting God will take that into manifestation, even if that may include returning to where we came from; home in God and family; fresh, new, and hopefully more enlightened and evolved.


So join me in expecting your hours and days to be easy, gentle, comfortable and safe. Occurring in the right time. In fact let’s add, surrounded by love. I’ve asked you before, are you ready to live a miraculous life? That takes belief. So put your toe in the water, so to speak, and test the waters with small things first. One step at a time builds faith.


This mantra of intent can cover all you do in your days. Yes, it includes finding that parking space, but it means driving to the area where you desire to park, versus expecting you won’t find it so only driving to places you will default to. It also works by parting people in front of you as you walk. Now mind you it’s not by saying inside yourself, get out of the way, but instead by knowing that the grace of God makes your way easy and clear, always being mindful of gratefulness toward the good of God for all.


Consider, also, that when things show up which aren’t easy, gentle, comfortable or safe, have you really believed this all for you, truly? Then consider that there has been a higher reason for what occurs, and ask, what is the lesson or gift I’ve been given? And go through the situation as easily, gently, comfortably and safely as you can. Notice how timing plays out, too. Remember it doesn’t necessarily mean staying and suffering.


My affirmation is embedded within my consciousness, nicely. Just like we needed to learn over and over, plus do our homework, to remember that 1 plus 1 equals 2, it’s helpful to start out by writing a sticky note in places to remind us of this spiritual law equation. It can be expanded upon, such as when finding one’s self around gossipy, negative, sour, unappreciative or disrespectful people, to move through your own energy field easily, gently, comfortably and safely, as divine timing continues whispering to you, what to do, when.


Expand your field of positivity by ‘seeing’ them as healthy, peaceful and prosperous, rather than leave your God life view and resemble their ‘unenlightened’ (not in the light) thinking. See issues as resolved. And walk through your way amid whatever is occurring, what needs to be the highest outcome. There is a tarot card, called the Hermit, which shows what seems to be a bearded, cloaked, person carrying a light, looking down from a peaceful place, lighting our way. Carry the light within, and that is your guided protected field.


Many times one’s negativity comes from being infused with negativity around them, which can affect their consciousness keeping negativity alive, can affect their health poorly, draw them to people who are also drawing negatives mirroring their energy, keep them from expecting that things can get better, keep them in a perception of lack instead of counting their blessings, and put people ‘down,’ with focus on other’s traits that they don’t personally approve of, or understand, to make them feel better about themselves


Live with positive intention/expectation. Put your toe in the water. Test it out bit by bit. This is the path of the yellow brick road where you discover that the magic was inside you all along.


Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance.  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel).  Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.


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