Hallowed Evening6 min read

Tonight is Halloween when we get in costume to have fun. I was at a party Saturday evening and really enjoyed the costumes. A TV script writer had pages of script attached to her clothes. A former Victoria Secret model came in beautiful lingerie sleepwear with gorgeous wings. I wore a long Victorian white lace dress with a fashionable hat of the times, while my friend opted for one of those stunning purple prom dresses that turned heads all night long.

It was requested that no one wear masks, so we had to own our costume, instead of hiding our identity behind the masks. That was interesting because we were talking to each other as if we were another version of ourselves. No face masks.

Then I saw “Cloud Atlas” last night. Talk about other versions of ourselves. Each actor donned about five costumes, playing one soul as different personas. I haven’t given the movie away, but it was quite interesting.

Do we sometimes get fixed on who we think we are? Are you the accountant, or the salesperson? The star or the extra? Do you run an organization or are you looking for new work? Sometimes changing positions casts us in a new part and we morph into that persona. Remember to take off your mask and breathe free. You don’t have to act like a diva or shout orders to play your part. You are the writer, producer and director so create a divine character personality to act. Being CEO doesn’t mean you have to play rough and tough. Being an employee doesn’t mean you have to kiss you-know-what or feel less than.

When in Rome do as the Romans do. I was brought up attending live NYC TV and Broadway shows, attained a recording contract then sang on stage. I loved fashion, makeup and entertainment. When I moved to Colorado and married my former husband, to fit in I stopped wearing makeup, and donned my mountain boots. I liked it. We are not just one way. I like being in the spotlight but I am also very shy, humble and like to empower others.

Sometimes our masks are pretense itself, like keeping up with the “Joneses” or in this day and age, the Kardashians, by purchasing things to fit in with the crowd. A little bit can be harmless, but we’ve all noticed people that might lose their identity without their toys and masks. That can put someone in unnecessary debt, or could have otherwise fed some hungry people.


Telling fibs and lies or doing things outside of integrity to fit in, is a mask. Drinking or drugging is a mask to keep from being yourself. Needing to be accepted is a drug. A friend recently gave my friends and I a quick performance example by shaking a friend’s hand, saying, “How am I,” (instead of “How are you?”).

Love of self and others brings joy. Feeling understood. Living honestly and with integrity brings joy. Living within means, debt-free with back-up savings and insurance can bring peace of mind in the soul. Valuing what we have; living and giving in gratitude brings joy. A Zen question asks, if every thing were taken away from you, what would you have left? Some people believe having your joyful spirit and having love (not buying it) is more valuable than any ‘thing’ or possession. We were brought here by God naked and will always be worthy, even stripped bare.

Full moons bring ocean tides to their highest, and put full light and full emotion on the characteristics of the sign it is in. Monday was our once-a-year Taurus Full Moon. Taurus traits highlight our self worth and basic spiritual values, and points out where we can tend to be materialistic, valuing money and the ownership of possessions more than the things that have more meaning and value in the long run. Taurus spotlights the basics needed to survive. Taurus is all about survival, and is strong, representing patient determination to grow something. Taurus builds…with the finest craftsmanship, creating strong quality. Taurus knows how to make use out of any thing and thereby can value every little thing that we DO have. It is unshaken in the face of difficulty.

It’s easy for all of us to take things for granted, even feeling entitled, falling into a lull of believing things don’t change. Many who relocate to Sedona come with very little. I was one of those, years ago. My belongings don’t define me and I would find new treasures here. I gave away a lot, to family and friends, and have done that any time I have ever relocated, keeping only what has real value and the basics necessary to begin again. Sometimes it’s refreshing to start over, redefining who we are, and what’s really valuable.

With all that has gone on in our lifetime globally, with man-made and mother nature-made challenges, the heart does go on, and brings us closer together, realizing we are all in this together. The masks are off and we realize we need each other. Some of us learn to help and some of us learn to accept help.

Many of the most high that are worshipped walked the earth with nothing, or chose to have no belongings. Our hearts go out to those who have been in the wake of the sandy windy watery super sized energy of mother nature as this Moon became Full. Our Father, who art in Heaven, HALLOWED be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins/debts as we have forgiven our debtors/sinners. And deliver us not into temptation…

Thine is the kingdom and the glory, forever. Let’s make every day and evening a Hallowed evening or day. Happy Hallow’een . Enjoy playing a new role, being a new you, fresh and alive, starting over, grateful for daily bread.

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com. Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her free website is www.goddesstheway.com where you can find daily astrological guidance.  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel).  Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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