We hear from everywhere, these days, to be positive and expect the best outcome. Of course, you know I agree. Yet if someone were going on a job interview with only blind faith and a sense of entitlement, there could be a few stumbling blocks in the way; for instance if they were not qualified for the job, wearing dirty wrinkled clothing mixing unpleasant odor with heavy cologne, or texting during the interview… You get the idea.
Expecting the best also carries with it the responsibility for us to do whatever we can to help ensure a favorable outcome.
Life, itself, is a gift we can all be thankful for, and one to be prepared for, every day. We buy groceries and clothing for all occasions, groom and shower regularly. We go to school to understand society, its history and systems, plus create an income to keep life alive. Providing fun and love is our responsibility too.
It certainly helps to know the subject matter that is coming up in your life, and prepare. Like studying for a test, or planning a wedding. When we get warnings that unfavorable situations are on their way, certainly we take precautions, such as going to plan B; moving the wedding indoors to avoid rain, or for those in Hawaii, recently, heading for higher ground with survival items, heeding alerts a tsunami was expected.
In less life-threatening situations, such as someone demeaning or insulting you, perhaps threatening to ruin your reputation or dignity, or you discovering your significant other has been making love with someone else, is your soul prepared emotionally, spiritually? We can expect the best from ourselves, and expect the best from life’s days and fellow inhabitants, and even expect the best from potential outcomes, by also being prepared.
Did you receive wisdom and self-esteem from parents and others? Do you know that your worth and joy are not dependant on someone else? Were you guided to be honest and act with integrity? That can be likened to creating a magnet in your soul which attracts and rewards you with inner peace and best possible resultant experiences. Was there spiritual sustenance provided in some consistent way? You can truly have a real communication connection with God who guides and loves you continually and unconditionally, as you evolve in your spirit.
Let’s stay positive and expect the best possible, always. There is true spiritual magic that manifests from that positive faith and living in the light. There are two sides to every thing, and it’s joyfully fulfilling to place your sure bet on the bright light side. Remember not to shirk your personal responsibility to yourself, of being prepared for unexpected situations, on the other side of the coin, which may flip over. That side also has gifts, lessons for our growth, and ultimate positive outcomes of their own.
What might this mean for you, in particular? For one person it may mean building their self-esteem or committing to integrity. For another it may mean having a sewing kit in their purse. For another, they may purchase insurance of some sort, or for the next person it may mean keeping a blanket, sustenance, tools and gasoline in their vehicle. For yet another, they may set about practicing positive thinking and faith.
Being prepared doesn’t mean you are drawing challenging experiences, just by energizing an action in the direction of ‘what if.’ In fact, the boy scout motto is ‘Be Prepared.‘ We’re talking about looking at both sides of the coin, instead of pretending a flip side doesn’t exist.
There is faith and there is also practicality. You may have heard the story about a person who resisted help which came in various forms, always saying, ‘no thank you, God will provide,’ then having resisted all help, found himself in front of God complaining that God hadn’t saved him, to which God replied, I sent you many forms of help.
Stay happy, stay laughing, stay honest, stay loving, stay positive, stay joyful, stay playing, stay singing, stay faithful to be strong spiritually; and stay practical. For instance keep the body strong enough to enjoy life, and keep your house clean and stocked with treats and sheets, in case guests come unexpectedly. Expect a wonderful visit.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com. Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her free website is www.goddesstheway.com where you can find daily astrological guidance. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel). Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.