The Aftermath5 min read

The Maya Long Count completed a few days ago; the end of the Maya calendar. So we begin a new calendar; a new count. It’s new math. It’s the ‘after’ math!  The Maya calendar counted how long one level of consciousness would reign. Now we ascend higher. It shall be a wonderful lift.


It’s also the day after Christmas. We’ve got some aftermath here too. Wrapping paper all over the living room floor. Boxes to flatten and recycle. Everyone is in their onesies all cozy at the breakfast table with a most delectable assortment of favorite breakfast food and beverage. Dishes will soon be stacked in the sink, again, and loved ones will pack to go home, after sharing a warm and meaningful stay at your home.


Are you a shopping stalker today, roaming from store to store to pick through the aftermath and stock up on goodies you didn’t get for Christmas, which are now more affordable during the famous day-after-Christmas sales?



You know you’ve eaten more than usual. Who can resist the endless boxes of chocolates, the candy canes, the appetizers, the cheese and wine baskets, the mounds of mashed potatoes, the hundred pies? You know you (may?) gain more weight before January 1st because the party is in mid-swing! Did it start for you with Halloween, or Thanksgiving when holiday candy and cakes took over from the pillow case full of trick or treats the kids brought in the house, or the bags of candy left over, not given out!!! Each January the famous meetings we drag ourselves to in order to begin watching our weight, are filled to the brim with new members.


How many drank way too much with the excuse of celebrating the holy days? Even non-drinkers may have a toast to the New Year and like it too much. Watch out for those nice people being naughty, drinking too much, losing sober consciousness, and some possibly driving. Who among us would be better off next year sitting in that kind of self help meeting? What about those that started drinking in trepidation and sorrow long before their feared world ending, they counted on? It didn’t occur; there is no tragic aftermath and they can come out of their underground shelters to live in the light.


Eating and drinking are natural habits and a requirement for living. What habits did we pick up in our early years? What kids don’t have a sensitive mind and heart and are attempting to figure out who they are and do they fit in, and/or hiding pain, shame and guilt for even the smallest hurts they witness and feel? In the early years we can easily overeat or begin drinking, drugging or smoking with friends to attempt to fit in and cover the inner chaos or confusion. Now we are called an obese nation and alcohol over-consumption is at the top of the list for causes of illness, suffering that even touches others in a ripple effect, and death.


The holidays are meant to be a sacred time of thanks giving, honoring the high consciousness of love and miracles, taught by spiritual stories passed down, including about those we are told lived a holy life, as well as celebrating a new calendar count every year beginning January 1st. These times can also bring up challenges. Who feels alone, and even in a group, what are the psychological dynamics?


We are in a New Count of higher consciousness that has been a very long time coming, and just began days ago, 12/22/12. With the coming usual new yearly count starting the day after New Year’s Eve, it’s a tradition to make new resolutions and work on bettering our circumstances. Resolutions might seem too strict and self-demeaning. Let’s refer to January 1 as when we begin a new count in how we consciously spend our long count of days, counting the ways of how we love ourselves, forgive ourselves and old acquaintance that were only doing the best they could with the issues they, too, faced inwardly.


Loving is the yellow brick road to the emerald city of discovering the miracle is within Us! Be more optimistic, believe in the pot of gold over the rainbow, know that we are guided by benevolence. Truth is, the sky is always blue above the clouds, so wake up (your consciousness) to know the clouds are far behind you. Believe that troubles melt like lemon drops. Believe the best will happen, tap your heels three times and watch your wishes come true. It’s all about taking that risk of vulnerability to declare outloud your deep well of who and what you love. Tell them how much they count to you; count the ways.


Happy New Rainbow!


Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance.  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel).  Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.


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