Everything is energy. Not just caffeine drinks, pills or big engines…You and I are made of energy. So if you greet a person and they are not welcoming, looking to see you as less than, or bragging in competition with you, you might not like their energy. On the other hand another person might be very chill and receptive, open-hearted and empowering to all, so you would likely like their energy.
Maybe a person looks or dresses differently than what you are used to and may be initially outside your comfort zone. But it’s really all about their energy. They may turn out to be just your style. Don’t judge a book by its cover. In fact the more you look, the more you’ll find to like.
You can walk into a store and just sense you want to leave immediately. Or notice you just took a big relaxing deep breath and realize you want to peruse the entire place. You can get a feeling that certain people in a group stay in their own known clique, not caring if you are left out.
We can pay more attention to our own energy and how we are even affecting ourselves. If you take things personally, that’s your doing. We’re not all drawn to every type of energy. Think of it as flowers gravitating to grow in the earth, and how a fish is, if it’s out of water. Some trees don’t do well too close to other types of trees.
Actually we can know from looking at our birth charts if we’ll connect with one and not another; or if one career floats your boat and another no way. Yet things do change in time, as well, haven’t you noticed?
Just because you’re not tying up to one harbor doesn’t mean that another harbor isn’t made of the same basic energy; in the image and likeness of the energy of God. So at least watch your own energy in how you treat others even if they don’t float your boat.
Now, when we see a light coming through the fog and we begin to feel energy resonating with our own, the light growing bigger and the fog dissolving, gratefulness is in order. Hallelujah. Someone who gets me. Someone who I’m drawn to. We could make beautiful music together.
And each and every time you feel good energy be thankful. Be also expecting of good energy for then it will be drawn to find you. In fact, like is attracted to like. So what do you find being drawn to you? Remember it’s a mirror of yourself at that present time. Are you drawing inner beauty or just outer beauty with an unrefined core?
In every instant if we see/focus on only good and peace, it becomes reality, so differing energies can have very little effect because we only see its basic fundamental innate divine good. If we take care of our own energy, living in positivity, more good will come our way. Belief in abundance as your divine right will draw it. If the belief in abundance is not believing its good energy, is of greed or thievery, it won’t be drawn unless you believe you are greedy or thieving. There is enough good and abundance for all. Remember everything is just energy, and plentiful.
Not getting enough sleep? Change a habit or two. Too much sleep? Maybe it was needed but if your energy doesn’t find balance, too much or too little will begin to have us feel dreary and dark. Not everyone is born with a lot of energy to run and climb. If not, you were given a lot of mind or feeling energy; we all have something. Don’t count faults; count your blessings and strengths. You are responsible to keep your energy as good energy.
Low self esteem? Confidence comes from remembering the divine God energy source loves you unconditionally, no matter what, and holds you up high for being an important piece of so many puzzles. Been hurt? Forgive and look for the good reason and gift in it for your own evolution. Take nothing personally. People have their own issues and respond from their own consciousness. Done wrong? Forgive yourself and be certain it has taught you to steer in different directions so it served a useful purpose for your future.
Remember people and things resonating at good frequency, are drawn to good energy, so be what you wish to experience in this life. The feel-good energy you create for yourself is the gift that keeps on giving.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com. Follow her on twitter as Rachelspirit and LIKE her Facebook page, Rachel Star of Sedona, to receive spiritual and astrological insights. Her free website is www.bestpsychicsedona.com where you can find daily astrological guidance for the current month and much more. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or Skype. Each consultation includes non-judgmental, positive and empowering Angelic Channeling, Tarot, Cards of Destiny, Numerology, Past Life insight and Astrology (with or without time and location of birth). Your personal horoscope charts are available too. Local rates are discounted. Classes, and individual or couples coaching are available at discounted rates for monthly, bi-weekly or weekly sessions in person or by phone. Feel immediate physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils. Learn more about Young Living at www.ylwebsite.com/rachelstarofsedona and request your one-on-one complimentary Young Living experience.