I gave a handout, of a little-known, long-underground secret system, to everyone who attended my lecture last week at the Sedona Psychic Fair. I’ve even edited it since, and you may want to have it for yourself! You’ll probably share it with everyone you know! It’s something you’ve likely not known about, and will find utterly fascinating; a must have. Read to the end for two free Gifts.
What is this mysterious system I’m talking about? Well, let me start by saying it’s not astrology, though it’s based in astrology. Heck you all likely know your Sun sign, and most of you know what your general sun sign zodiac characteristics are; i.e. Geminis are usually fun, and love communication in all forms. Well, this is a different system, which reveals what card in the regular 52-card deck of cards You are, then describes you perfectly. But there’s more! It reveals your destiny and is proven 100% accurate!
Are you the Five of Spades who makes many changes in work and locations, and inspires others? Six of clubs who finds truth and gives the world a mental gift? Would you like to know if you’re the Ace or the King or Queen? If you know your card, and learn your potentials, you can gain the world.
I studied this ancient system, tested that it truly was 100% accurate, and here is what it said for the very day that I left home, some family and friends, to trek across country for Sedona in order to give my spiritual services to the masses who come here seeking:
“This is a beneficial influence for giving selflessly of yourself in your work or community/spiritual service. A strong spiritual influence is now present in your life which could inspire you to act with higher integrity or encourage you to make some personal sacrifices. You may have decided to relinquish some part of your personal freedom or individuality, or give up some acquaintances, all in the name of truth and the good of others.” …I couldn’t have said it better.
Once we know what card you are, we can track the past and confirm that what it describes is exactly what occurred, to give you confidence in the future that it shows. How can that be? I don’t know the answer to that just like I can’t explain how the planetary motions’ speed and revolutions were put in place so that their geometrical interactions tell a story which truly occurs; ‘As above, so below.’
I just do the interpreting from having studied these systems. In fact, if you are interested in astrology and wish to know how each day is made to be used, you can go to my website and click Astrology. Each day has several types of traits it offers us all, collectively, and when we use our days from being in the know, we can flow beautifully with the energies that are meant to be.
So, our free will comes in when we make choices within what the playing field will be, which has been determined; likely from our agreement with Spirit, as to what we wish to do and learn in our life.
Our lives change every 52 days (52 cards) on the same days every year. I can tell you what your days are and in what ways they change. We can look at each year for you. In fact ages 13, 26, (29) 39, 44, 45, 52, 65, 78, 90 are very important years.
Everyone you know is a card in the deck too, and the handout I am offering you will describe not only your characteristics, strengths, power, and give guidance to you, but everyone else you know, too. You’ll easily be able to determine your and their card.
I was so impressed by this 100%-accurate system which predicts destiny, that I invested in the software so I could use it rapidly in every Reading. In any length Reading I’ll also look at your astrology, even without exact time and location of birth, and use the sacred Tarot; all always with positivity for clarity and healing, never scary.
Divine Loving Spirit may show you some challenge that is present; you already know about, which another might ‘read’ as your future. I teach Readers that we can be guided to often avoid challenges, go around it and even change things, by receiving higher wisdom and insights, or to understand how it can be a gift to evolve and grow. Any and all questions are always replied to accurately, lovingly and without judgment.
With these old, taken-for-granted playing cards we’ve played Gin Rummy, Blackjack and even Go Fish with, I can see your most favorable days, as well as see the true connection between you and anyone you care about. We can see insight about love, career; you name it. I can also look at your seven year and thirteen year influences, etc., etc.
This is all about life, so no, I don’t predict death…no worries…not that death should be perceived as a worry…We can discuss that another time.
If you would like my Gift, to send you this handout, just email me with your request. If you don’t want to be on my email list, just indicate. I send emails about three times per year, giving insights about what is coming up and how to use it to your benefit. Your email is confidential.
So, what Card do You Think you are… from Ace to Ten, Jack, Queen or King, in hearts, clubs, diamonds or spades. Then email me at rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com to request your Gift, and you’ll find out how well your intuition is working J
The Gift-giving season has begun: Here’s a second Gift. Anyone who emails their request and after reading your handout, guesses what card I am, by emailing again, can receive $15.00 off any length Reading; either in person or by phone. Turn on your intuition and see what is revealed – about yourself!
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com. Follow her on twitter as Rachelspirit and LIKE her Facebook page, Rachel Star of Sedona, to receive spiritual and astrological insights. Her free website is www.bestpsychicsedona.com where you can find daily astrological guidance for the current month and much more. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or Skype. Each consultation includes non-judgmental, positive and empowering Angelic Channeling, Tarot, Cards of Destiny, Numerology, Past Life insight and Astrology (with or without time and location of birth). Your personal horoscope charts are available too. Local rates are discounted. Classes, and individual or couples coaching are available at discounted rates for monthly, bi-weekly or weekly sessions in person or by phone. Feel immediate physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils. Learn more about Young Living at www.ylwebsite.com/rachelstarofsedona and request your one-on-one complimentary Young Living experience.