Breaking news: Adams gains in recount1 min read

Sedona City Manager Eric Levitt reports unoffical results of the recount in the race for Sedona Mayor are in.

Unofficial results from the recount in the race for Sedona mayor show former Sedona City Councilman Rob Adams ahead of incumbent Pud Colquitt, 1970-1966, according to City Manager Eric Levitt.

Yavapai County election officials recounted ballots this morning, Thursday, June 5, Levitt reported.  The vote tally was changed as a result of the recount, adding one vote to Adam’s total and taking one from Colquitt’s.

Results of the recount will be forwarded to a Yavapai County Superior Court judge to certify Friday, June 6, Levitt said.  Because the judge probably won’t be able to review the results before the end of the day, Adams will probably be sworn in as Sedona’s new mayor Monday, June 9, and seated in a formal ceremony Tuesday, June 10.

– Alison Ecklund 

Larson Newspapers

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