Today’s article can bring you into a deepest knowing and experiencing of astrology, because I desire for you to have a meaningful, potentially life-changing insight this week.

First, please remember that you are SO much more than how your sun sign’s characteristics might describe you. Every one of us, in fact, has every single sign of the zodiac within our make-up. So don’t just listen for mentions about your sun sign as you will miss out.

Every year from the third week of October to the third week of November the Sun makes its pass through the zodiac section of Scorpio. Not only is the sun’s spotlight on Scorpio’s characteristics, shining these traits throughout our psyche, but this year the Sun has many friends sitting at the same ‘table’ with him.

The gang’s all here and they are ganging up to make something memorable. Mercury is the messenger and in Scorpio is now also our deepest soul-searching thinking cap. Secrets will be too challenging to hide and we’re in communications about our guilts and shames. Yay, how else can we heal if we keep them hidden and hurting us.

Venus, ruler of self esteem and love, has us intensely desiring to go through Scorpio’s hoops to be more sensually intimate. That, in itself brings out the deep loving sentiments of desire that are often beyond our control to inhibit. It brings us closer to each other, having also exposed our sores and bruises, letting others deeper inside our souls.


Saturn the taskmaster, is also in Scorpio, and has been for over two years. It only enters a zodiac sign once every 29 years, lasting for two and a half years. Saturn is like the boot camp sergeant. Makes us work hard and get into tip top shape. We may not like getting up at 3 am or hike three miles in the noonday sun, but it makes us strong, powerful, disciplined and grown up. Folks that’s Saturn.

With Saturn in Scorpio the challenging tasks are to dig deep into our subconscious and look at those blockages of guilt and shame that we buried. They’re never really buried. Unless we remember we are not the stories of hurt, but that we are the always perfect human, available to experience the exquisite lights of the miraculous, loving God energy, we live in falsehood.

We are pure, we are innocent, we are humans. Human, in a dense location on earth, where we come to work our way out of density, to remembering our true heritage. Forgive yourself, and remember we are mostly all forgetting that innate innocence. Things we do and say, things that have occurred, are all from false selfhood.

When we make decision after decision to live from that divine light we truly are, we will take responsibility to love ourselves and equally everyone else as we’re all made from the same source.

In that way, nothing hurtful you have done, nor anything another has done, has any hold any longer. We clearly notice the innate love, joy and peace that we really ARE. 

Scorpio is the healing sign. With Saturn there, he will make certain we come out of boot camp, a grown man and woman. Mature, having done the hard work. Scorpio rules death and rebirth. Be born again.

THEN, there is the Moon. She will pass through the zodiac constellation Scorpio where the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are, starting Wednesday night, Nov. 19, through to early morning Saturday, Nov. 22.

That, my friends, means that half of our heavenly bodies are in one sign…SCORPIO. Do you think we are supposed to be doing intense healing right now?

Well, the moon rules our emotional state and what type of characteristics we will be intently feeling. You got it.  Intimacy, secrets, hurts, healing and transformation. Scorpio also rules power and control.

If you decide to compete and be more powerful and controlling, it might be lonely and empty. People will follow your lead if you also empower them. Really, would you follow someone hurtful? Co-operation. God gave us free will; why would you think it works well otherwise.

So you’ve got the skinny on what’s happening in our lives right now. Don’t just think its you. Use your free will to heal. You will find your personal power thrusts and bursts forward, allowing you to feel God in you. At peace with the rhythms of life no matter where your sails take you.

Are you curious to know when Saturn, the hard teacher, will leave Scorpio for good? It’s like a gift for the holy days; Tuesday, December 23! (It will come back for a little visit in the Summer, just to check on us before kissing us goodnight, however.)

That brings me to happy, dancing Sagittarius. When Saturn leaves Scorpio it prances into fun-loving, optimistic Sag for the next two and a half years. 

But more currently, the Sun will glide out of Scorpio into the sign of the archer, Sagittarius, Saturday, Nov. 22nd for a nearly 30-day stay. Whoopee, after the deep cleansing mud bath of our soul, we feel free. They say angels can fly because they take things lightly.

Scorpio can tend to hold on obsessively, expect betrayal, expect deep hurt, but with this intense firing squad of heavenly bodies, can also shoot it out of us.

Ruling the sex organs and elimination system in our bodies, we can release the ‘crap’ and reach the loving depths two people, in unconditional love, can attain. to replace and fill where there were former blockages. A lover, a mother, a friend, anyone will do.

Sagittarius rules the higher wisdom of the spiritual teaching icons we treasure, replacing resentment  and prejudice with open hearts for all. Sag loves to be generous, knowing that as sparks of the God light, we are already abundantly provided for. We’ll see it when we don’t live via our doubts. Give and you shall receive.

On that same day, Saturday, November 22 we have our once-a-year New Moon in Sagittarius. New Moons start from hardly being seen in the the sky, then grow slowly bigger until becoming a Full Moon.

It asks us to plant something (like we do in the earth’s soil) and take care of it, then watch it grow to manifest.

In Sagittarius, if you have been desiring to learn something new, put out your feelers; make those calls, research on the internet. Sagittarius also likes to teach. If you have been thinking of giving classes, also throw out your seeds. Reach those people potentially interested.

Sagittarius also rules publishing. Have you written that book, blog, magazine or newspaper article? Find a publishing outlet.

Also ruling long distance travel, and foreign cultures, perhaps get your passport in order, or book that flight. Sagittarius is the time frame in which we have created Thanksgiving, and it is literally the time of year to count our blessings. In fact the more we are grateful, the more we receive. That is a natural law, and Sag also rules laws.

One month after Sun goes into Sag, and the New Moon in Sag, Saturn will enter Sagittarius. The gift from Saturn is that if we have already done the work, we get the GIFT early!!!

Take this week to do the Scorpio digging. You may find gems that were lost treasure. Find someone you trust, to listen to your story. Be willing to listen to another and withhold judgment. Judge and you will be judged. 

In the Tarot, the Judgment card shows people awakening from a long dark sleep  in a coffin;  the angel’s trumpet rising them out of the dark. Hurts; guilt and shame can cause us become emotionally or physically ill (being dis-eased –not at ease) self-creating a slow death to escape our and others’ very hurtful judgments.

You are, by the messengers of God, called to free yourself. NOW. Love being courageous enough to bare your soul. The freeing feeling is how we are all supposed to live. Breathe free. It is your true soul’s signature.

Hugs are free too. Ask for one. Give freely.

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

View Rachel’s The Sedona New Age Show from her website where you can learn astrology, and read daily astrology forecasts. Also see clips of her video classes for purchase, and more. Reach Rachel at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698, and LIKE her Facebook page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Each accurate, positive, empowering, healing Reading is tremendously insightful with spiritual inspiration via loving Tarot, Astrology, also a 100% accurate very little-known Cards system, Past Life insight and Numbers. Phone, Skype and local resident rates are discounted. Feel immediate physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.


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